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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2008, 03:09 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

I recently installed the ne 5067 rom on my 6800. But not it will not allow to install any .cab file. Either directly from the phone or using activesync. It just says "installation of xx.cab was unsuccessful.

Any ideas?
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  #252 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2008, 05:49 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

The last time I flashed I had to take out the battery for a full 3-5 minutes before my titan would go past the wm6.1 screen. not sure why.

Have you installed phone alarm or weatherpanel in your rom? they've caused thiws behavious for me at times.


Originally Posted by ulton View Post
I've used BuildOS many times before with my Titan (my carrier is Sprint) and I've never had an issue. I decided last night to try no2chem's 5067, and cooked the rom and ran the RUU. Unfortunately now I have a phone that only loads up until the Windows Mobile Version 6.1 splash screen and goes no further. I can hear the start .wav and sometimes, but only sometimes, see the top bar with the start, clock and battery icons, but nothing else. I've tried hard resetting, removing the battery, and even recooking the rom multiple times with no luck. I'm going to spend my day today at work trying to fix this, but I'd appreciate any suggestions and/or input.

I'd also like to use this opportunity to thank everyone, though, for an excellent utility that has, for the most part, really allowed me to enjoy me phone

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  #253 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2008, 09:38 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

After flashing this ROM I have 2 problems...

1.) If I try to open up my contacts, it opens, then closes right away. I've read through the entire thread, and made sure that PPCContacts Manager is not selected in my build.

2.) I am unable to hide the EXT_ROM. I've tried nueExtROM (selecting "Lock the Extended ROM" and soft reset), also making sure that no file explorers were open, and that my storage card was selected in "settings, memory". But, it always comes back unlocked. I have alot of large file attachments that I need to be stored on the storage card.
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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 02:28 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

I just recently installed 5066 and I love it to death. I have the pp set to 6megs having 23 megs available after boot. I executes damn fast and It has yet to lock up. I'm in complete amazement right now. My att mobitv, musicid, and xms program stop working but that beats having to reboot from constant lockups. How does 5067 top this ? In what areas does it improve from 5066 ?
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  #255 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 09:09 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

I'm real new to this and have read lots of info and threads about flashing but find the more I read the more I get confused! LOL I have a Verizon XV6800 which I've just flashed with titan_SPL_2.40-olipro.exe and had the screen with the red/blue/green bars stating that SPL 2.40 was loaded. I then downloaded the Kitchen, grabbed all the Titan updates and loaded the Titan_No2Chem_5067_WM6.1 Selections.txt file. I haved flashing with this "as is" using GPS and Verizon from the selections list at the top but my phone doesn't get past the second image when loading. I've tried removing the battery and waiting more than 5 mins but still no dice.

I made no changes to the Titan_No2Chem_5067_WM6.1 Selections.txt selections (nothing selected) except for changing the loader images so I could see where the phone was getting stuck.

Things I just don't know, is there a radio in the Kitchen or do I need to flash that seperately? Should I select GPS or not? I want GPS (the reason I'm flashing) but am not sure what I should be doing next.

Hopefully I don't "think" I've bricked my device 'cos I can get back to the SPL 2.40 ROM screen to reflash. Thanks for the help guys!
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  #256 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 09:53 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

The more I read other responses similar to my own, it looks like I need to flash the radio (which I haven't done). I assumed it was in the kitchen but I guess not. Where can I find the latest radio for Verizon?
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  #257 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 10:11 AM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Yes, you need to flash a 3.35+ (GPS capable) radio. The kitchen does not flash your radio (mainly because you rarely want/need to flash your radio). All radios work for all carriers. Download the sprint leaked rom, flash it (it contains the newest radio), then reflash your custom rom.
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  #258 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 01:15 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

and whatever you do, since your not with Sprint, if you flash the sprint rom:
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  #259 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 01:40 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Help...Im fairly new to flashing, but i have quite an issue at present. I just got done flashing the 5067 kitchen, but my phone (6800 Mogul) keeps resetting all the time! It does this every time, even when I hard reset, soft resetand/or take the battery out. Please help, or direct me where i can find help. Thanks Everyone
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  #260 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2008, 02:31 PM
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Originally Posted by mykers View Post
Help...Im fairly new to flashing, but i have quite an issue at present. I just got done flashing the 5067 kitchen, but my phone (6800 Mogul) keeps resetting all the time! It does this every time, even when I hard reset, soft resetand/or take the battery out. Please help, or direct me where i can find help. Thanks Everyone
Sounds like you need to flash 3.35+ (GPS capable) radio
Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Yes, you need to flash a 3.35+ (GPS capable) radio. The kitchen does not flash your radio (mainly because you rarely want/need to flash your radio). All radios work for all carriers. Download the sprint leaked rom, flash it (it contains the newest radio), then reflash your custom rom.
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