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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2008, 04:33 AM
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To no2chem or anyone else who may be able to help

Your PM box was full, and I figure someone else may be able to help with this, so i figure I'll just post it :-p

Hey no2chem,

First off, thanks for the awesome WM6.1 ROM, I really appreciate it. I just have a question, I am racking my brain out here, I sell cellphones so my job requires me to demo all features of every phone I carry, my Sprint rep is on me to demo the Music Store to customers, yet I have tried 4 or 5 different Java builds and every last Music Store jar/jad in existence and cannot get this to work for the life of me on your rom. I have made threads here and at xda developers, including all of the files I used. I can get it to run, but as soon as it goes to play any songs it stops. If you have any feedback on this please help me out. I really don't want to go back to a stock rom, but with Sprint comping my phone and my rep all over me I'm fighting an uphill battle.


p.s. On an unrelated note, I read that on your 5060 ROM you disabled the IE warning messages? Does that include the 'It's unsafe to run this script message?'. The reason I ask is because I run ytpocket.com and the code I use on my site prompts that message for every video that gets played. If you did find a way to bypass that, is that something that can be made into a cab or does that have to be OEM to work properly?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2008, 07:32 AM
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Re: To no2chem or anyone else who may be able to help

you can use chap's advanced config. to turn off certificate warnings. as for the sprint music, I have never used it, but do you know what music player it uses?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: To no2chem or anyone else who may be able to help

This is too funny because I was about to post a thread asking the same question...

Well the information I have gathered is:

After googling around I found 2 threads that have given me a little more information at least.
First is this:


This explains that there is an Extended Rom that I believe includes these .cab files
- AudioPara0330.sa.cab
- DefaultRingtone.sa.cab
- GetGL.cab (Goodlink, not necessary for most people)
- GroveMobile_plugIn.sa.cab (I think this is for the Sprint Music Store app)
- MoveLnk.sacab
- MP_CVSDcpl_20070129.cab

So GroveMobile_plugIn.sa.cab looks like the one!

Next I found this:


Which has the .zip file called:

I tried installing the .cab file inside of the .zip file and it installs a program called "BlueFrog Ext_Tools"

I then go into file explorer and I do have a folder called ExtRom_Tools in my programs folder but there is just a file called "Titan_ext_rom_unlock" and when I click it I get a box that pops up and says "SUCCESS"...

Then after a soft reset I go back to file explorer and now see a folder called "Extended_ROM" in the My Device directory. Inside the folder are all of those .cab files listed above. I tried installed the GroveMobile_plugIn.sa.cab and I can either install it to the Device, Extended ROM (a new option that I haven't seen before) or Storage Card. I tried Device first, which worked and I now have the Music icon on my today screen but I get an error when trying to open it telling me that it's not signed or something and it won't open. Then I go back and try to install it to Extended ROM and it just fails the intallation.

I haven't tried installing any of the other .cab files from this but I'll be glad to post more info as I go along... gonna try a couple more things.

Hope this info helps! I'm dying for my music store back.

Also, I'm using VetVito's Black Pill ROM:
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