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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Originally Posted by tunerstk View Post
Yet you could not resist making a smart *** comment twice
Next time while your typing you could spend the extra 10 seconds and answer the question???

Never mind what fun would that be ׀{x

His rubbing it in wasn't necessary, but to be fair he had a point. And no, it's not particularly easy to post the instructions, because the process is unfortunately not easy. That said, I pieced it together myself based on reading through the threads and experience, and I ended up with a cooked ROM with none of the problems the OP had in the end. So that does kind of agree with his point that learning enough to do it yourself provides a better end result.

Still, you have to start somewhere. Glad the OP pulled it off in the end to some degree or another, and hopefully he learns enough from the process to get better and better results.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 08:04 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Adding the basekit is extremely simple its getting it to work where the issues lie. Not to sound like a *** but honestly guys if you cant figure out how to do it dont start threads about it as u wont get answers just be patient or pursue another option. It will be pushed when it is ready and not a moment before.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 10:00 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Originally Posted by tunerstk View Post
Yet you could not resist making a smart *** comment twice
Next time while your typing you could spend the extra 10 seconds and answer the question???

Never mind what fun would that be ׀{x

Maybe I did answer the question. He, and you obviously, just didn't like and/or didn't understand the answer. As Nex said, getting it into the kitchen is the trivial part. If you don't know the basics, like how to put 5060 in the kitchen, then there's a 90% chance or better that you aren't prepared to deal with the trials of flashing it. Latest and greatest does not necessarily mean easier or better. Now that the OP has learned how to load it and has played with 5060 and run into some of it's issues, I was curious if he understood the original comment. The fact is, he appears to have had a better experience than probably 30% of users would if they tried 5060 as is - and his experience was not trouble free. It's not wise to provide people who don't know how to dog-paddle instructions on how to get to the diving board.

Next time, you might stop to consider that maybe the 10 seconds were taken.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2008, 05:42 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Ooops I totally aggree and I was in the process of doing so myself at that very time.
Sorry no offense intended was just being sarcastic hence the smiley faces.
Guess that proves sarcasm is not that good of an idea on message boards.

My bad GGuru!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 02:35 AM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Well I was excited to find this thread as I thought my search turned up actual instructions or help on getting the basekit into the kitchen. I can try the Lenny version, but after reading all the way through I think I'm just going to stick to installing what No2Chem puts out. I did make up ROMS on the 6700 BuildOS for my other phone, but this stuff just seems way too over my head and quite frankly now I'm too nervous to post questions asking for help or instructions so I can learn it. I actually am kinda nervous to post questions asking about anything now; which is sad, as that is how I learned everything about the 6700 and got to the point of using the kitchen. I must not know how to search or use search terms, as I am rarely successful at finding what I need (this post for example). Or I don't know what the hell the thing/step/program/action is called to search for in the first place. Google is usually what I end up doing. I'm learning the 6800 far more slowly this way. I still feel like I'm only half using the thing.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 03:03 AM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

K 40 min later.... I found this answer to a quote. (GGURU is the one answering the person) I had to C&P it sorry.

" Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)
Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
May I ask for a little-bit of hand-holding? ... Please?

The new kitchen from PPC Geeks (wonderful, by the way) includes a kitchen and a project file to point to the kitchen. Is this an accurate understanding?

\Projects\Titan_No2Chem_5054_WM6.1 Selections.txt (points to)

So, if this is correct, how would I go about using the new 5059 as a base to similarly build a custom ROM with the new kitchen?

Download *.msi file from ppckitchen.org
Allow it to run updates ... (as of right now, this gets me 5054 Kitchen)

then download 5059 and do what with it?

Best regards,
More or less correct. You put the 5059.rar in kitchens, copy the 5054 selections.txt to 5059 selections.txt, edit 5059 selections.txt to refer to 5059.rar (it's obvious). Run buildos.

Future builds of BuildOS will provide a selections.txt for you as part of the kitchen .rar (if the kitchen .rar was assembled properly, it should have a selections.txt in it already).

Alternatively, most kitchens should be available via the Updater once they are determined "safe" for general use."

so hopefully that helps someone. I am going to try it tomorrow. My eyes feel like sandpaper.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 03:12 AM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Originally Posted by djlenoir View Post
I encountered a couple of anomalies, including the calculator did not work (installed 1-Calc Lite to fix), an invalid shortcut to Sliding Sounds under Settings --> Personal (installed no2's sliding sound control to fix), an invalid shortcut to Clear Storage under Settings --> System (installed Clear Storage to fix, but there are now two entries for Clear Storage for some reason), and the Beam does not work despite trying a number of different things.
Been there, fixed that. Have patience


Saat. By tomorrow you may not have to try.

*goes back into hiding*

Last edited by tiermann; 04-03-2008 at 03:18 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 01:50 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Originally Posted by LadySaat View Post
so hopefully that helps someone. I am going to try it tomorrow. My eyes feel like sandpaper.

It sounds like you get as caught up in trying to understand all of this as much as I do. I have pulled a few near all-nighters in the last week researching this stuff and flashing my Mogul numerous times trying to figure out just what I like and don't like. I appreciate that you posted the information you found, thanks. It confirms for me what I pieced together from little bits in various other threads on how it works.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. I agree that searching doesn't alway produce the results you want, and although you may get chastised and told to search next time (on message boards they just assume you didn't) for asking a question that someone may have answered previously, someone else will usually take pity and answer your question for you or point you to the thread with the answer.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Originally Posted by tiermann View Post
Been there, fixed that. Have patience


Saat. By tomorrow you may not have to try.

*goes back into hiding*
Thanks for the update tiermann. I understand that you and many senior members of this board work very hard to produce simple interfaces for the masses to use to update their phones. I, and I am sure I speak for many others, greatly appreciate your efforts.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2008, 03:27 PM
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Re: Please provide instructions to use latest no2 basekit in kitchen

Thanks tiermann, I am going to have a go at it later on this afternoon. I read the entire kitchen thread and copied to notepad instructions on things that were common questions. So I'll have a reference to work off tonight.
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