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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 01:50 PM
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WM 19202 vs 19199...and a few other general opinion Qs..

i posted this in n2c's thread, but it is so massive that i don;t think people try to read through it anymore and no one responded, so this is the repost. I'm looking for experiences/opinions...so please don't point me to howto threads that i've read already.....

now that 5059(no2chem's nueRom) has been out for a while, has anyone noticed any differences in the new build of windows mobile? i'm running 5058, but i kinda have the itch.....

i kinda want to try the kitchen, but its not for me....i used dcd's, but i found myself only using the preselected configuration anyway....i've honed my flash & recovery procedures flashing just about everything n2c and dcd have put out since i got my mogul in december....

AutoRun(the one that allows you so specify a folder full of CABs) has been very reliable, i can't say the same for UC....something about installing CABs from the SD card is a little fishy....wierd things happen, partial installs, bad permissions, etc....so i after a flash i copy a folder full of CABs to memory and let AutoRun do it's thing...

Q for kitchen users(veterans):
if you cook an app into the kitchen, lets say it is s2u2 0.99p....when s2u2 v1.0 drops, can you install it over your cooked in 0.99? I know, one thing for sure, you can't uninstall things cooked in....so i'm guessing you can't install over them either.....

Q for no2chem:
i remember reading somewhere here in this massive thread that at some point going forward, you would only be releasing basekits, and hinted at the kitchen....well, since the kitchen is here, has that time come???

thanks all,
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: WM 19202 vs 19199...and a few other general opinion Qs..

So far with 19202, the only difference I see is an "Auto Redial" option in Phone Services. I don't remember seeing that before.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 07:43 PM
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Re: WM 19202 vs 19199...and a few other general opinion Qs..

Originally Posted by yerp View Post
Q for kitchen users(veterans):
if you cook an app into the kitchen, lets say it is s2u2 0.99p....when s2u2 v1.0 drops, can you install it over your cooked in 0.99? I know, one thing for sure, you can't uninstall things cooked in....so i'm guessing you can't install over them either....
I don't know about new installs in general but I sometimes write my own software for the phone and cook it into the rom. When I have an update I just copy the new file over the old file and the new file is used. In other words, if you have a file /Windows/foo.xxx cooked into the rom and you copy a new file foo.xxx into the /Windows directory it will supersede the old file. The nice thing is that if the new file is bad all you have to do is delete it and the file that was cooked into the rom is available again.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 08:07 PM
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Re: WM 19202 vs 19199...and a few other general opinion Qs..

Originally Posted by theedon View Post
I don't know about new installs in general but I sometimes write my own software for the phone and cook it into the rom. When I have an update I just copy the new file over the old file and the new file is used. In other words, if you have a file /Windows/foo.xxx cooked into the rom and you copy a new file foo.xxx into the /Windows directory it will supersede the old file. The nice thing is that if the new file is bad all you have to do is delete it and the file that was cooked into the rom is available again.
thanks for that, i've been curious for a while how that worked....just for clarification, when you delete the new foo.xxx, is do you immediately see the old foo.xxx in the file system?...after soft reset?...

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 08:17 PM
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Re: WM 19202 vs 19199...and a few other general opinion Qs..

Originally Posted by JimSmith94 View Post
So far with 19202, the only difference I see is an "Auto Redial" option in Phone Services. I don't remember seeing that before.
thanks for the response, looks like there's no reason to worry about 19202 though....n2c posted that a build 19209 will be put in his 5060 release tonight....hopefully he releases a .nbh file, i don't want to use the kitchen...
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