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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 07:43 AM
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Unlocked Ext-Rom and reallocated 1/2 of it to system memory

This goes out to the DEV's and or anyone with some insight to this question.

I was wondering if the Extrom was unlocked, could it be possible to reduce its size and allocate the extra memory to the system memory via a reg or file hack.
im thinking that since the Extrom is part of the actual onboard memory, and with the pagepool utilites that have been developed, it might be possible to resize the Extrom and then allocate the extra memory to our pagepool. that extra 6mb or so coming from the extrom added to the existing system ram would, or should really be a big performance enhancement. If that is not possible, then at least make the Extrom a big cache file for IE or something along those lines. The extrom is basically just a waste of space on my phone right now.

so im gonna work on first unlocking the extrom and then look into the above mentioned idea.

if anyone has some info that would help or know why this physically cant be done, let me know k. I dont want to be kicking a dead horse (or mogul) for nothing,
thanks for time
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 01:05 PM
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I'm not saying it can't be done... but I don't THINK it can.

Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.. but I assume that the Mogul (And other devices of the sort) is initialized by a BIOS (Basic In/Out System). The BIOS is a microchip (All by itself) that initializes the essential HARDWARE and applies basic settings to make everything work together. Such items would most likely be Turning on the Qualcomm processor.. and then passing it instructions about Bus speeds, memory addresses, and basic "Drivers" to start other hardware that is essential to even Start loading the ROM. The BIOS prob also has the program (The BootLoader) that allows the ROM to be upgraded. You can't use a piece of code, and update/overwrite itself at the same time.

We know that the Moguls processor can go 520MHZ (I think thats right), as per documentaion at Qualcomm. So why would the Moguls be set so much lower? Possibly to accommodate slower/cheaper memory or parts, or perhaps for extended battery life.

The point is this... I don't believe that a Registry or file change is going to do it. You are going to need to be working more at the Hardware level of things. Traditionally if you wanted to know how a BIOS worked on a computer or Game System (Think Modded XBOX, PS2) you will need to physically monitor the BIOS with a Data Logger by Soldering wires to it, and recording what happens, when it happens, and what it means. IF you find this out.. then something might be possible.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by bunvilla View Post
This goes out to the DEV's and or anyone with some insight to this question.

I was wondering if the Extrom was unlocked, could it be possible to reduce its size and allocate the extra memory to the system memory via a reg or file hack.
im thinking that since the Extrom is part of the actual onboard memory, and with the pagepool utilites that have been developed, it might be possible to resize the Extrom and then allocate the extra memory to our pagepool. that extra 6mb or so coming from the extrom added to the existing system ram would, or should really be a big performance enhancement. If that is not possible, then at least make the Extrom a big cache file for IE or something along those lines. The extrom is basically just a waste of space on my phone right now.

so im gonna work on first unlocking the extrom and then look into the above mentioned idea.

if anyone has some info that would help or know why this physically cant be done, let me know k. I dont want to be kicking a dead horse (or mogul) for nothing,
thanks for time
First - your thread title is quite misleading. "unlocked" and "reallocated" imply you've already done it.

Second - short answer: very unlikely. The 6700 ExtRom was unlocked, and then behaved just like (fast) storage card. You could install programs to it, store files on it, but it wasn't program memory. No reason I've seen to think the 6800 architecture is different.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2008, 08:25 PM
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sorry for the misleading, but i wanted to get the DEV's attention. I know alot of times they skim over alot of stuff.
to address the BIOS idea phazed is talking about, the memory on the mogul is 1 complete stick for lack of a better word, otherwise which means that the Extrom is a partition.A RAM disk is a software abstraction that treats a segment of random access memory (RAM) as secondary storage, a role typically filled by hard drives. Software ramdisks use the normal RAM in main memory as if it were a partition on a hard drive, thus which bypasses the need for the bus, because the partition is actually the Ram just separated, and it is just a writing of a software program that does it/ ie: the pagepool utility and a pagepool is basically a RAM drive.

so its just a matter of getting past the permission issue which prevents me from changing the size of the EXTROM/ anyways i will quietly work on this and if im successful, ill post it here first k/

thank u for your time
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