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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 11:50 AM
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JD - A few more bugs on the beta rom for you. Not sure if anyone else is having these problems:

1. When trying to answer calls it takes 4 -6 sec before it actually answers the call?

2. EVDO connection will not stay connected for direct push email through activesync / exhcange when the screen is off for an exteded time. I noticed that when I turn back on the phone it isn't connected, but immediately tries to connect again.

Thanks again and great ROM.
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Blitzed26 View Post
JD - A few more bugs on the beta rom for you. Not sure if anyone else is having these problems:

1. When trying to answer calls it takes 4 -6 sec before it actually answers the call?

2. EVDO connection will not stay connected for direct push email through activesync / exhcange when the screen is off for an exteded time. I noticed that when I turn back on the phone it isn't connected, but immediately tries to connect again.

Thanks again and great ROM.
i thought that was a problem with the phone itself so far, i have seen this posted in other threads as bugs from the official roms
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 11:55 AM
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FIRST i just want to say thank you for the ffort that has been put into making this rom. one of the best I have ever seen. period . That being said a few questions with a few answers needed if anyone can help.

i would love to take advantage of two things one is wmforum wifi connection. does this program allow me to make my phone a wirelss modem and a wifi modem all at the same time or is it just another wmodem program. do I have to manuelly turn my wifi on or does the program internally do so itself. I ask because I open it hit connect and it says ready but none of my computers see it?. please help on that one.

Advance config. is one of the best programs ever but does anyone know where i can find the cab file the one that come with this rom doesnt seem to work even after installing cf 3.5 .

love the remote destop. but how the hell do you setup your computer wikth it if it is not vista or professional? is it possble.

and lastly. it says I hae intenet calling on my today screen but there is nothing there. if there is internet calling on this rom. whats the name of the program it uses and where is the cab file.

thanks for the volume fix. what a different. now if I can just get a program that disconnects my internet connection if not active for a certain period of time like my 6700 had then I think I would be in heaven after the above questions are answered.

thanks again for a fantastic rom biuld.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 11:57 AM
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another note about the beta, advanced configuration is working for me now. i haven't gone completely through it yet to compare to the other things i've seen, but i'll let ya know
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 12:05 PM
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FIRST i just want to say thank you for the ffort that has been put into making this rom. one of the best I have ever seen. period . That being said a few questions with a few answers needed if anyone can help.

i would love to take advantage of two things one is wmforum wifi connection. does this program allow me to make my phone a wirelss modem and a wifi modem all at the same time or is it just another wmodem program. do I have to manuelly turn my wifi on or does the program internally do so itself. I ask because I open it hit connect and it says ready but none of my computers see it?. please help on that one.

Advance config. is one of the best programs ever but does anyone know where i can find the cab file the one that come with this rom doesnt seem to work even after installing cf 3.5 .

love the remote destop. but how the hell do you setup your computer wikth it if it is not vista or professional? is it possble.

and lastly. it says I hae intenet calling on my today screen but there is nothing there. if there is internet calling on this rom. whats the name of the program it uses and where is the cab file.

thanks for the volume fix. what a different. now if I can just get a program that disconnects my internet connection if not active for a certain period of time like my 6700 had then I think I would be in heaven after the above questions are answered.

thanks again for a fantastic rom biuld.
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by bigred-opie View Post
Will this rom work on alltel htc6800 phones? We are running slightly different versions and i do not want to create a conflict. This phone can be quirky as it is.
I would like to know as well...

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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 12:39 PM
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i installed it on sprint mogul htc 6800
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 02:58 PM
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I got my mogul about a month ago and did the 2.17 upgrade last week. Last night I tried this custom ROM and I really like it. JD you did a great job.

The difficulties I'm having stem from my office....we use GoodLink to push office email so I alway end up with the GoodLink tool bar across the screen. Does anyone know how to integrate the Good email/calendar/contacts into the Outlook based email/calendar/contacts already on the Today screen?
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 03:07 PM
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OK where to start first ..... alright the phone answering pause I did notice this with my new beta, I believe this may be because I changed the page pool for the rom from 5mb to 4mb it was unbearable for me so I have a new beta that I'm planning on posting maybe tonight or tomorrow that fixes that..... secondly I have never used the direct email push I will have to look into that issue however s2u2 settings may be the reason for the disconnects , check the settings make sure that the power off option is turned off ...... third wifirouter is a program to make your ppc into a wifi router it is really simple to use ... if you installed the adhoc cab , in your wifi settings should see a network called wifirouter click connect to set it up , then open internetsharing make sure that it is set up as sprint (or sprint pcs) then open internet explorer ... run the wifirouter program let it connect then on your pc it should pick up your wifi router .....
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 03:13 PM
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Well the beta looked nice but it kept locking up on me every other reboot Also wish you had more of the installed extras added after the set up so that they could be disabled I don't need three things detailing how much battery I have left. I'm not wild about the slide to unlock app so I'd want to be able to remove it. Installing your other version now to see if I continue to have problems.
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