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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
maybe I should do a little write-up on how to port xip. essentially:

don't dump with rommaster (manually extract the rom)
to do this, first nbsplit, then on payload...
run imgfsfromnb. write down the imgfs start location.
open os.nb.payload with hex editor. go to the imgfs start location, and delete to end. go to the beginning of the file, and search for FE 03 00 EA (unconditional branch to 00 03 FE), and find the second / last occurance. (this is the second xip).
delete everything from the beginning to just before the second branch.
save this as your xip.bin

open xipport. press dump xip.bin. move stuff around, checking the maps between the donor xip and your xip. when you're done, press realloc p, and write maps. if any area shows !!!, fix it. (usually, modify realaddress[r] in imageinfo.txt, where r is the xipregion).

technically, you might need to check the nk.exe pointer in S000 of nk.exe, but i think realloc p fixes that (maybe). if you're worried, from the old map of the xip (not from the donor, but your device), search for the rom_00 header, look at where it starts, check if it matches with the new map If it doesn't you'll have to do this: if the old start address is 8ABCDEF9, search S000 of nk.exe for F9 DE BC 8A (just an example), because of the endianess of arm. replace with new start address, be sure to reverse it as well.

once you're done, write xipout.bin, and write it to os.nb.payload at the right xip2 address (for the titan, its 3200000) (sleepy and not sure if i put the right amount of zeros, but the default is 3100000, so change the 1 to a 2.)

hopefully everything boots up after this. I've used this technique to change everything except nk.exe... which is device dependent, so you'll have to do other stuff...

http://www.airscanner.com/pubs/fogieDC11.pdf is a good reference for arm assembly opcodes
dude you seriously rock. im at work so ill have to go over this later but thanks so much this is great info.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 04:38 PM
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no2chem, I had bluetooth shut off on its own after about 2 hours of PDA operation. I didn't connect to any BT devices in that time. The blue light keeps blinking but when I go into the BT settings, the two check boxes on the mode tab are unchecked. No dpad issues so far.

Edit: another shutoff, several instances of the dpad lockup (which I agree is fixable by hitting the red button), and no auto-connect with my BT device (which is the only thing I care about, I know you guys have different goals).

Edit 2: FWIW, I tried the Qwest ROM for a couple of days and didn't have any BT turnoffs or dpad lockups.

Thanks for your work,

- Ray

Last edited by bigray327; 11-15-2007 at 06:10 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 06:06 PM
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ROM without Big Button Dialer..if possible!

no2chem, everything works great so far! I have not experienced any issues so far. As a note, I am using Radio 1.47 and have the Roam settings to 'Automatic' not Sprint Only. Even with that, no issues with Bluetooth drop or DPad freeze.

But I have one question, since you made the ROM completely plain, how come you included the Touch/Big Button dialer? This dialer is preventing me from correctly changing it to some other dialer (i.e. buttons out of place and no numbers on the buttons). I can turn off the Big Button dialer skin from the registry HKLM\Security\Phone\Enabled --> 0 But that makes that ugly little window appear above the dialpad which shows call log and Contacts.

I think you should leave the Big Button dialer out and keep the original WM6 dialer and make it a very plain and simple ROM which is fully customizable for some people like me who may not like the Big Button dialer. I would really appreciate it if you acknowledge this request.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by bigray327 View Post
no2chem, I had bluetooth shut off on its own after about 2 hours of PDA operation. I didn't connect to any BT devices in that time. The blue light keeps blinking but when I go into the BT settings, the two check boxes on the mode tab are unchecked. No dpad issues so far.

Edit: another shutoff, several instances of the dpad lockup (which I agree is fixable by hitting the red button), and no auto-connect with my BT device (which is the only thing I care about, I know you guys have different goals).

Edit 2: FWIW, I tried the Qwest ROM for a couple of days and didn't have any BT turnoffs or dpad lockups.

Thanks for your work,

- Ray
I'm working on the BT issue - expect to see it fixed soon.

Originally Posted by rvashi View Post
no2chem, everything works great so far! I have not experienced any issues so far. As a note, I am using Radio 1.47 and have the Roam settings to 'Automatic' not Sprint Only. Even with that, no issues with Bluetooth drop or DPad freeze.

But I have one question, since you made the ROM completely plain, how come you included the Touch/Big Button dialer? This dialer is preventing me from correctly changing it to some other dialer (i.e. buttons out of place and no numbers on the buttons). I can turn off the Big Button dialer skin from the registry HKLM\Security\Phone\Enabled --> 0 But that makes that ugly little window appear above the dialpad which shows call log and Contacts.

I think you should leave the Big Button dialer out and keep the original WM6 dialer and make it a very plain and simple ROM which is fully customizable for some people like me who may not like the Big Button dialer. I would really appreciate it if you acknowledge this request.
I'll take your advice into consideration. The reason I put the big button dialer was because I thought that it would be easily replaceable, and that the original wm6 dialer was hard to use anyway.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 07:23 PM
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looks like I forogt to move over the vogue bluetooth registry. expect to see a new release later today.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 08:17 PM
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Yeah, I've been toying with some of the builds that use the vogue BT files, and, well, this doesn't seem to have the drastic volume improvements that it did. I was actually wondering if this was really the Touch Bluetooth after all.

I guess you didn't port everything over properly!

Well, I've noticed that this rom is much snappier, despite the 4mb pagepool. I played with it this afternoon, but found that the BT shut off twice during short phone calls, and even while playing A2DP music.

I also noticed that when I paired with my car stereo, instead of displaying "hands free" and "wireless stereo" like it should, it said: "Input Device" and "Handsfree".

Strange that wireless stereo would suddenly become an input device!

It did work though. At least, until shutting off.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
I'll take your advice into consideration. The reason I put the big button dialer was because I thought that it would be easily replaceable, and that the original wm6 dialer was hard to use anyway.
Yeah I would really appreciate it and so would other people, I'm sure. The Big Button dialer is easier to skin but still carries the same blocky base (as far as I know). I'm attaching a cab for a skin that I personally like using...as an example. It should be the Vista Strands dialpad with the standard WM6 buttons. Everything including 911 and ## codes work.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Vista Dialpad WM6 Base.zip (1,002.1 KB, 44 views) Click for barcode!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 10:16 PM
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Hmm is this me or something else.. I can't seens to find an option to turn on the flash light in the new camera software.. and with this version, the slide/turn function in HTC Album doens't seens to work either... correct me if i'm wrong about this.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by phuangk View Post
Hmm is this me or something else.. I can't seens to find an option to turn on the flash light in the new camera software.. and with this version, the slide/turn function in HTC Album doens't seens to work either... correct me if i'm wrong about this.
Hmm, ill have to take a look at this. In other news. the bluetooth lockup isn't because of nk.exe, i just flashed my rom with alltel kernel, still getting dpad lockups...
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 09:59 AM
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Hey no2chem! A little anxious to try your updated ROM...was expecting it by this morning as per your post. Hope to see it soon (with the standard dialpad hopefully) Everything else is PERFECTO...for me at least.

Currently have it set to Sprint Only and Bluetooth was turned off this morning when I got to work and checked.
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