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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2011, 04:25 PM
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Cyanogen Mod 7 Official.

I just wanted to announce that cyanogen mod 7 is now official!!!

[ROM] EpicMTD CM 7.2.0 RC0 - xda-developers

Thank you to EVERYONE involved in helping with testing, coding, debugging and documenting! Enjoy!

The current buglist:
WiFi Hotspot is broken. Third-party apps are known to work.
Charging notification LED does not light until full charge is reached
Video playback for certain encoders

Other than those (relatively) minor bugs, this rom is nearing a somewhat completion.

New Changes
- Fixed brightness control (noobnl)
- WiFi appears to be stable. You may need to wipe old settings. (decad3nce, noobnl, uberpinguin)
- Official build

- Fixed bad cached download mounts (noobnl)
- Fixed overlay for video encoding/decoding (decad3nce & noobnl)
- Fixed e911(mkasick)
- Fixed most of the dhcpd clusterfuck(a couple more issues left)
- Fixed init.d
- Fixed cache errors
- Fixed issues with logwrapper
- MTD/yaffs2
- Wifi is still screwy
- Stage1/Stage2 inits
- Updates from upstream
- Backup/Restore fixed
- Updated prebuilt modules
- 2.3.7
- Compiled kernel from source MAJOR THANKS to mkasick and Rodderik
- Fixed torch overlay
- Fixed MMS overlay
- Fixed incoming call routing
- Fixed mic feedback/whistling
- Adjusted APN for MMS - receiving works, sending fixed
- Fixed application notification LED based on a tip from DRockstar
- Fixed haptic feedback with a patch from jt1134

I recommend using the EI22 modem.
Please note flashing someone else's kernel may ruin your experience with this rom and I advise against it. This rom is a result of many tiring hours from Decad3nce, jt1134, Uberpinguin, nubecoder, mkasick, nullghost, dameon78, wispofattes, DRockstar, and many many other contributors.
4G Hotspot tethering with Samsung Epic just start 3G first and then start up 4G otherwise your phone will restart. wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12.apk

Please don't forget to thank me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2011, 07:14 PM
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Re: Cyanogen Mod 7 Official.

Wifi and GPS are not working with this yet.
I'm rolliong back and waiting to see what others have to say.
I installed it last night and have been disappointed so far...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2011, 12:07 AM
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Re: Cyanogen Mod 7 Official.

Originally Posted by sandiegodude View Post
Wifi and GPS are not working with this yet.
I'm rolliong back and waiting to see what others have to say.
I installed it last night and have been disappointed so far...
They work for me I used both today. This Rom is almost complete.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G

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