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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2011, 05:30 PM
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Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

Hey ppcgeeks,

Dreamsforgotten over at xda started this thread in order to help Rob (ptfdmedic) get a new device to develop on. I asked Dreams and thought I'd share it here as well.

Welcome, thank everyone for taking the time to read this. I have been a busy body in the shadows trying to do something for a member of our Community. Let me start from the beginning. I'm sure everyone here is familiar with user/developer PTFDMedic. He created the Midnight roms, among other things. He's a well respected member of the community, a friend to me, and one of the strongest persons I have ever met in my life. He is also very open and honest about his personal experiences in life be it the bad, the good, and the personal. He blogs @ a site I suggest everyone read over once. www.lostandtired.com. He works his butt off taking care of his family, his wife and three autistic boys (which troubles me to even type it like that because he takes care of his THREE BOYS, the fact that they have autism does NOT define them).

Now the point of this, this all started the same day I wrote my rant about not getting my Nexus, on the way home I was thinking about reading that he sold his Epic to pay for car repairs on his van to keep bringing his children to speech therapy. I felt kinda bad that I have an Epic, brand new, and now I'm about to be holding onto the Nexus S. I'm by no means rich I just chose to pass on other things and save to get the phones I want. But still all in all at the end of the day I have two different phones, both top of the line, and here is Rob doing all the things necessary to raise his family and (if you don't develop for the phone/theme anything) it's hard to understand but when you are working on the code and have to pay close attention to what you are doing, you kind of loose sight of all the things that were nagging at your on the back of your mind. I serious mistake in the code and you can potential brick your device. So even though developing can create it's own headaches, and oh yes it can, it also helps you escape all the other things on your mind. That being said, I felt really bad that Rob was loosing his outlet, both to develop and his connection with you guys here on the forums.

Soon as I got home I set up an account and stuck in a mere $50 and got determined to translate that $50 into a new phone. I contacted my friends @ ACS and told them what was up. Withing no time we had $125.00 in there. Next the Bonsai team (can't thank you guys enough) joined in and we got $250.00 in the account. This ofcourse is the going rate on an Epic on ebay. While I was doing all of this (completely behind the scenes it was going to be a total suprise when I purchased the phone from Ebay, checked it to make sure it worked out all right, then mailed it to Rob who was clueless all along) I start noticing a few posts where he says that he really wants the Nexus S, he would love to develop on a device that doesn't have TW.

We finally got the cash together to buy the Epic and we all had us another conversation, why stop here. Why not push the envelope and let this man have his dream, and get a Nexus S. That would put us from 100% to 50% of the phones cost and two different development teams have put in a large amount so why not ask the users. They can and deserve to be a part of this anyway. Perfect, but it ruined one thing. Rob would def find out about this, going public. So I've notified Rob about the current. $250, the whole ordeal that we have been creating, everything. And then asked the mods permission for this post, which was granted first thing this morning. Now we are here and you're caught up with me. Have a heart, and give back to a man who has given to you!

By all means only donate if it is within your means!!! Rob was totally against us spending our money on him so Rob, if your reading this, your not allowed to post in protest!!!
Here's a link to the thread:
Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community) - xda-developers

Donation button is in Dreams OP.

This one goes to a good cause, and helps one of our own.


Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.

Last edited by shane6374; 05-17-2011 at 05:34 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2011, 03:47 PM
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Re: Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

The new cat is also outta the bag--well in sorts. All hell is breaking loose over there now in the Epic forums. This is all what I could make out of the ordeal, by no means is this 100% accurate or the whole story but here it goes to the best I could make out. The kiddies aren't playing nice with each other, someone who leaked the beta got fired, people are taking sides either leaving, starting new "syndicates" and the thread Nazi's are sanitizing like mad over there trying to keep it all quiet. Hopefully whatever new chefs emerge from all this will be the same quality that existed before. Anyone else have a clue as to what happened over on XDA this past week?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2011, 04:01 PM
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Re: Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

we should thank Rob for his midnight roms. I wounder if their is something else we can do to help get him a better automobile for his family. You are correct that he cares so much for his family and its the least we can do to try to help him out. Perhaps their is a local used car or new car dealer who also uses Robs midnight rom that can make some kind of donation with the help of the ppcgeek / acs / xda and other communties.

I think he went back to the Epic from the nexus s but i can be wrong on that. I thought i read from him that he had it for like two days. I would love to see what he can do with the epic and evo replacements. I am undecided as to which i may get next.... htc has it plus like sense 3, samsung has its pluses like odin and screen... so tough...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2011, 04:31 PM
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Re: Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

And I am touched by that.... I am so compelled to ebay my intercept for donation. You have my back Rob. Keep up the good work.
For once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.... longing to return. -Leonardo Da'Vinci

Then:TP, Mogul, Treo 650, Timeport, Audiovox mp3 fone,Startac's,Uniden 5700 and a Brick.
Now: Epic 4g compliments of Samsung 3 days before launch!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2011, 10:33 AM
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Re: Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

Originally Posted by ecartmen View Post
we should thank Rob for his midnight roms. I wounder if their is something else we can do to help get him a better automobile for his family. You are correct that he cares so much for his family and its the least we can do to try to help him out. Perhaps their is a local used car or new car dealer who also uses Robs midnight rom that can make some kind of donation with the help of the ppcgeek / acs / xda and other communties.

I think he went back to the Epic from the nexus s but i can be wrong on that. I thought i read from him that he had it for like two days. I would love to see what he can do with the epic and evo replacements. I am undecided as to which i may get next.... htc has it plus like sense 3, samsung has its pluses like odin and screen... so tough...
Originally Posted by 551skydiver View Post
And I am touched by that.... I am so compelled to ebay my intercept for donation. You have my back Rob. Keep up the good work.
FYI Guys, I think Rob has decided to go with the Epic over the Nexus. Good news for us!

Also, all I did with this thread was repost what Dreamforgotten posted in his thread, so no need to thank my OP. I so am glad to see that the community from both sites can come together to help others in need.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2011, 07:10 PM
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Re: Cat's out the bag (this is for the entire community)

Awesome. Simply awesome. This is why I come here.
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