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Old 04-08-2011, 01:45 AM
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Re: Fastest Way to Fix Wifi-Tether when you phone reboots.

Originally Posted by kstephens98 View Post
I've followed all of the suggestions above and no matter what I do, wifi tether 3 pre_12 continues to force a reboot on my Epic . Is it at all possible that Sprint is seeing this and forcing the phone to reboot remotely? The Wireless Tether Ad hoc app works flawlessly, but the wifi tether will not play nice! I am on Midnight 5.2 using the Vision kernel. Anybody got any other suggestions or answers?
I am using Midnight Rom 5.2 too. I am replying to your post while I am tethered with 4g. Did you try uninstall and then reinstall wifi-tether is so, I would suggest reflashing your Rom. Hopefully your have a functional backup of your Rom in clockwork if not your might want to back up. Just reflash your Rom and if your swype acts up like mine did uninstall swype and then reinstall it and do the samething with wifi tether too. I used Titanium Back to wipe my corrupt data from my phone and to delete my messed up or unwanted programs. Afterward wipe the partition and dalvik cache and install swype thru clockwork and then fix the permissions thru clockwork and restart. Reinstall wifi tether and follow the directions in post #1. I had to reflash 3 or 4 time to get everything working correctly.
4G Hotspot tethering with Samsung Epic just start 3G first and then start up 4G otherwise your phone will restart. wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12.apk

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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G

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