Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk while your mom was putting her clothes on. |
Re: Dk05 - Dk17 leaks lag?
There has to be something else going on there. I have the same ROM running and my GPS locks in a couple of seconds,even with "Use Wireless Networks" disabled and its dead on balls accurate. I know I'm not giving you a solution, but the problem isn't the ROM.
Re: Dk05 - Dk17 leaks lag?
Yeah I don't know what the deal is. I used Odin to Flash back to a completely stock DI18 and still could not get GPS to work. Looks like I'll be using my external bluetooth GPS when I need it.
So after trying everything, just turned on gps while driving around at work and got an instant lock that's dead on!
Go figure. Can't really take it back anyway, bought it on craigslist. Sent from my Epic 3G on SERO. |
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk while your mom was putting her clothes on. |
Yeah I haven't used it since I had a Touch, but it worked with the epic. Fortunately after my last flash from DI18 back to Froyo my Epic gets an instant gps lock.
This phone is "Epic" Made my iphone friend jealous tonight streaming all the football games and ufc from the stock browser! Sent from my Epic 3G on SERO. |
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk while your mom was putting her clothes on. |
Re: Dk05 - Dk17 leaks lag?
Uninstalled stock browser using Titanium Backup, Then flashed this one using recovery. channelsurfing.net or atdhe.net. For some reason most of the links today required a plugin only available on a PC. The Redzone link worked though. |