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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 06:36 PM
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Question Epic Exchange 2003/2010 and general questions

Who here has their Epic sync'd with an Exchange 2003 or 2010 server and uses an SSL certificate?

How does it run, any know issues to be aware of? I don't really use GMail, and since I'm the Exchange administrator, I control all the security so no worries there. I've seen other Android 2.1 phones and they seem to atleast open all Word, Excel and Powerpoint attachments, but doesn't edit them. I just saw that documents to go currently has a 50% off sale and selling for $15--where's that company card at?

I'm preparing a "fake" Exchange account and plan drop in a boat load of spam mail, annoying business contacts and useless meeting requests so that when I pair the store demo model up with my Exchange server I can see what it looks like first hand and if I encounter any specific issues based on my envirnoment.

I played with one today at the Sprint store and it was parked next to an EVO so I got to see them side by side. Both looked like sweet phones, just the keyboard and the Hummingbird seem to have me sold. As I was screwing around with the phone I heard the saleperson telling another customer that the Epic was the girl version of the EVO. I started to LOL at that comment sparking a debate right in the store. It does somewhat concern me that no one is sold out of the Epic right now. I thought that it would be hard to keep in stock. I'm still pessimistically waiting for some major flaw to drop that's a deal breaker but haven't heard any real horror stories yet that scared me off.

How does it handle Flash right now? I've seen other non Froyo based phones have some version of Flash lite but didn't know if that was from the Android store or if one of the other carriers supplied it.

I'm somewhat surprised that this thread isn't "bumping" like the EVO threads are, I can't believe Samsung is hated this much that more people aren't jumping ship for this phone.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Epic Exchange 2003/2010 and general questions

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Who here has their Epic sync'd with an Exchange 2003 or 2010 server and uses an SSL certificate?

How does it run, any know issues to be aware of? I don't really use GMail, and since I'm the Exchange administrator, I control all the security so no worries there. I've seen other Android 2.1 phones and they seem to atleast open all Word, Excel and Powerpoint attachments, but doesn't edit them. I just saw that documents to go currently has a 50% off sale and selling for $15--where's that company card at?

I'm preparing a "fake" Exchange account and plan drop in a boat load of spam mail, annoying business contacts and useless meeting requests so that when I pair the store demo model up with my Exchange server I can see what it looks like first hand and if I encounter any specific issues based on my envirnoment.

I played with one today at the Sprint store and it was parked next to an EVO so I got to see them side by side. Both looked like sweet phones, just the keyboard and the Hummingbird seem to have me sold. As I was screwing around with the phone I heard the saleperson telling another customer that the Epic was the girl version of the EVO. I started to LOL at that comment sparking a debate right in the store. It does somewhat concern me that no one is sold out of the Epic right now. I thought that it would be hard to keep in stock. I'm still pessimistically waiting for some major flaw to drop that's a deal breaker but haven't heard any real horror stories yet that scared me off.

How does it handle Flash right now? I've seen other non Froyo based phones have some version of Flash lite but didn't know if that was from the Android store or if one of the other carriers supplied it.

I'm somewhat surprised that this thread isn't "bumping" like the EVO threads are, I can't believe Samsung is hated this much that more people aren't jumping ship for this phone.
So far honestly, I have not seen a difference in push from my old win mobile phone and my epic. Flash I am not sure of. I have not seen anything flash wise that hasn't loaded and I haven't installed flash lite.

I think the truth to the shortage of the EVO is not just in the demand but also in the original amount produced. Also not long after launch HTC switched screen providers because of all the issues the screens were having. Example coming apart.

I loved the evo but since I couldn't find them I went with the epic even though I had to wait. The only thing I didn't like about the epic is the launcher. I have been using an Aria for work for about a month. I really got used to the HTC launcher, clock, and weather on the home page. I was told to download launcher pro and now I am in love with the epic.
Thanks again to all who helped me.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 08:01 AM
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Re: Epic Exchange 2003/2010 and general questions

Originally Posted by mayford5 View Post
I really got used to the HTC launcher, clock, and weather on the home page.
Spend $1.99 and get Beautiful Widgets. It will give you the clock and weather widget and its so customizable that I think its better than the HTC Sense clock/weather feature. I hate paying for apps because as soon as you do someone makes a free version just like it the next day, but this one is well worth 2 bucks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: Epic Exchange 2003/2010 and general questions

I have had my Epic for a few days and found the built in Email app to be a bit light on the features, but it did sync with Exchange. I am giving Touchdown a try now. So far so good...

Also, the built in Touchfree Office does allow you to edit office apps, but it is also pretty basic. I don't do much local editing, but I did like being able to create bulleted lists/outlines on my WM phones.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 04:42 PM
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