[Theme][EC05][ck23]6-lock & reboot Urban Serenity 1.5 07/14/11
These were made for my ROM here: [ROM]{EC05} UrBan Regeneration 1.1.0 07/15/2011 *RELEASED*!! - xda-developers
But ive test theme on just about every ROm we have here these will be converted to Ginger Bread when i have the Time but for now EC05 builds MY THANKS: -Dreamsforgotten: helped me out tremendously when i first got started and lets not forget he tutorials! -first off Team viper!--these guys are my help they came thru big time for me! -TPhillips-this my Boi helped me tremendously with questions, theme ideas etc.. -BThomas--another also dev who lended his time and skills to me when need and opened up anything Viper to help the success of my rom -ACS-no CIQ mods thanks guys! -optmsprim2 thanks for the great boot ani!! if im missing anyone plz let me know and ill add you! Whats themed: Framework-res.apk Tw-framework.apk Camera icon Clock icon Voicemail icon Dropbox icon twitter icon contact icon dialer icon email icon--thank to tpike 4 this one Facebook icon Gmail icon Google search icon miui music icon MMS icon settings icon Gtalk icon GB KB market icon whats new: *6-lockscreen mod-thanks mad doggin *reboot mod-thanks mysterymotionz *a lil re-themed Download link: UPLOADING Thanks to kushdeck no more Multi-upload!![/U][/B] Screenies:!!!!!!
Last edited by computerkid23; 07-17-2011 at 01:01 AM. |