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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 11:37 PM
darren.wlsn1's Avatar
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Re: [MOD]Epic 4G Dual Boot Support -- NOW WITH APP!!!

Originally Posted by theduce102 View Post
yeah the only kernels I've ever used were the stock ones and Rodderik's( oh and the bonsai v5 on marcusant's Rom)...... i just cant wait till he makes that GB kernel so we can boot between Froyo on nand and GB on the SD card or vice versa.... this is a big breakthrough for the epic community..... i cant wait to see what he does next =]

EDIT: how many post before i get out of the lurker status..... its making me feel like im a noob again lmao
lol.. more than 2, not really sure on that but to get out of lurker just head over to introductions forum and welcome lots of other lurkers.
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