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Old 03-13-2011, 07:08 PM
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[THEME]Special Edition:midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness Theme+LP+Icons+Boot Animation

I’m sure most of you in here are familiar with the midNIGHT rom. I hope most of you are also familiar with ptfdmedic and his blog on lostandtired.com. If you’re not, I would recommend it.

Johnny and I were talking about a week ago about doing some icon set’s and making skinned Launcher Pros to match. We started working on the icons in the development thread I started about 2 weeks ago here. Now when you get people working together on a project, ideas just seem to start flowing. One of the ideas was to do some sets based on an Autism theme to try and do our small part to help spread Autism awareness. We both did a set using very different ideas, so the end result is sets that don’t look at all alike.

All files are at the bottom of the OP.

Autism Awareness Theme:
File: AutismTheme0.1.zip

I have a "lite" version of the theme ready to release. I wanted to go further with it, but decided to hold off with the pending EC05 ota coming.

Here is what's included:
Themed framework-res.apk
Themed twframework-res.apk
4 Autism icon sets that will be installed to the root your sdcard in folder named "Autism Icons".
The sets are the 2 below + 2 other sets based on the 2 below.

The instruction for the icon sets are further down in the OP.

Just so everyone knows, this is my first publicly released theme for an android device.
I hope you like my work.

The icons in the set work very well with Desktop Visualizer which you can download from the market. Just unzip the files somewhere on your SD card.

To install Launcher Pro you must uninstall any previous version. These have been resigned so you cannot install over what you have. You can backup your setting then restore then after install. Everything except widgets will be right where you left it.

These icon sets and launcher pro can obviously be installed on other devices besides the Epic.

Our thanks go to:
ptfdmedic – midNIGHT rom
Timberwolf – Taking the time to answer questions
darren.wlsn1 – Just because he’s DW.

I would also like to thank Johnny Bravo. I couldn’t ask for someone better to work with on something like this.

All of the midNIGHT rom beta testers: chadit, megabiteg, Science Guy, dnathan13, d/\sh, wudstock54, capitaltpt, flyers2114, jmkasperek1

Here’s our first version.
Files: Autism Icon1.7z, LauncherProAutism1-0.8.3.apk

Here’s the second version.
Files: JB Autism Icons.7z, LauncherProAutism_JB-0.8.3.apk

Here is one of the other sets
Files: Blue Icon set 3.rar, LauncherProBlue3-0.8.3.apk

There will be some updates to come.

3/18/11: Added AutismTheme0.1
3/21/11: Fixed a few png's v.0.1.1
Give us some feedback and let us know what you think. And please, go give Johnny Bravo some love by clicking the thank button on the next post.

Check out the wallpapers and boot animation Johnny added in the next post!

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.

Last edited by shane6374; 03-24-2011 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 03-13-2011, 07:08 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

I read ptfdmedic's blog Lost and Tired « My Reality Autism almost every day, and one of the things that I have learned is that many children with Autism never really grow up mentally. A 12 year old child with Autism might have the mental state of a 3 or 4 year old. So when Shane mentioned his idea to me about creating Autism Awareness themed Launcher Pro icons an idea just flashed into my head. What is more reminiscent of a child than crayon drawings? I have two daughters, one is 7 and one is 8, and I asked them to help me with this. After trying to explain Autism to them (which I'm not sure I did a very good job, but I will keep trying) I asked them to help me draw a set of icons for my phone. They both love playing games on my Epic, so both of the jumped up and down and said "YES!" I grabbed a big bucket of crayons, several sheets of paper and opened the laptop and showed them all the icons the Shane had made and asked them to draw them. The three of us spent all afternoon drawing icons and they had a great time. Then I scanned them and used Photoshop to build a frame and put a set of LP icons together. When I loaded them on my phone my kids thought it was the coolest thing in the world that something they had drawn was now on my phone.

I could never come close to understanding the struggles that parents of autistic children go through, but Rob's blog helps me see through his eyes. I urge everyone to that installs these icon sets to please share the story of where you got them. If someone says "cool icons", don't just let it end there. Explain to them why its made up of puzzle pieces, and what it stands for, and then give them Rob's website Lost and Tired « My Reality Autism. If we can explain to just one more person what autism is and how it affect the lives of the families it touches, we will have helped out.

Here is a wallpaper I designed for the midNIGHT ROM. There are 3 versions of it, depending on what you would like to have displayed.

***Update 3/20/11*** Added custom boot animation. I want to send out a huge THANK YOU to optmsprim2 on xda for helping me with the format. Flash with Clockwork.

Last edited by Johnny.Bravo; 03-20-2011 at 10:08 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2011, 07:40 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

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Old 03-13-2011, 08:02 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

nice work guys, you did rob and his fight proud.
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Old 03-13-2011, 09:33 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

Moved to development, the SGS section you can put themes in development

nice job guys btw!
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:25 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

nice job on this and love the idea and thought that you placed into the icons with your daughters and all... you got family time in and got to help with another topic that needs more recognition. great job with that and this set guys, keep up the great work
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:49 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

Originally Posted by D/\SH View Post
nice job on this and love the idea and thought that you placed into the icons with your daughters and all... you got family time in and got to help with another topic that needs more recognition. great job with that and this set guys, keep up the great work
Thanks. My girls really enjoyed it. I hope everyone likes them. And I want to thank Shane for coming up with the idea in the first place. If it wasn't for him none of this would be here.
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Old 03-14-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

I added a wallpaper....see post #2
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
I added a wallpaper....see post #2
Nice work! They look really good!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: [THEME] Special Edition: midNIGHT ROM Autism Awareness skinned Launcher Pro + oth

Here's a sneak peek of the Autism theme.
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