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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2012, 02:38 PM
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[ROM][MTD][FC09] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK V | [5/21]

2.3.6 FC09 "ThunderHawk" V Official

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CIQ Removed | Modified Sprint Hotspot | Silent/Vibrate Volume | Extended Power Menu Options
Voodoo Sound & Color | GPS Fix | Low Battery Camera&Video Player
1x Signal Mod | Battery Full Pop-Up Mod
Multi-Function Installation
Adaway | Polaris Office | Modded Gallery | Miu Music | Black Dolphin Mini Browser
ES File Manager | Adao Task Manager | Flash Player | USB Tether | Terminal
Swipepad | Voodoo Control | Swype Installer | GPS Status | GAPPS
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TubeMate | Flashlight | VoiceToGo | Live Wallpapers | CarHome | Memo
MyFiles | Gtalk w/Video | Voice Dialer
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A Rooted Epic 4G

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ThunderHawk FC09 [MTD]
Blue Theme
Green Theme
Blue Theme + Sprint Fix
If you like my work, click the Thanks button or Donate a coke!

A glitch I've seen in testing:
After flashing this rom, phone get's stuck in a bootloop when flashing themes/kernels.
Pull battery. Boot into CWM Recovery. Reflash theme/kernel. Reboot your phone.

Development and primary testing performed myself
For everything else, there's:
jeffro18, jdelano, Trident, spyder09
First and foremost, a huge thanks to the guys at Samfirmware for making this possible!
This rom incorporates the work of many AndroidCentral and XDA users.
Huge thanks to the development community.
This is Open Source!

Want to make or edit your own personal rom?
Take a look at my personal kitchen!
My work will always be free! If you want to buy me a coke!

Epic 4G: | RandomROM EH17 ThunderHawk | RandomROM EC05 Phoenix | OneClick / Odin | Battery Save!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2012, 02:38 PM
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Re: [ROM][MTD][FC09] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK V | [5/21]

Known Issues:
You've got questions, here's some answers!
I really miss my old transparent messaging app, can I have that back?How do I use my own ringtone, alarm, and notification mp3s?
  1. Create a folder on your SD card called "media".
  2. Inside of that create "audio".
  3. Inside of that create:
    • "ringtones" for ringtones.
    • "alarms" for alarms.
    • "notifications" for notifications.
Ah, Swype.
Unfortunately, since the Froyo version that initially came on our phone, we've been employing the latest and greatest versions with better features. But all of them have still been betas, and they will all expire one day. I do not know if, or how to modify it to avoid expiration. Nor do I currently know where to pickup the next available version until I find one. Instead, I recommend doing what I have just finished doing. Install the swype beta installer.

Here's how:

1. First, using a file explorer delete the following files:
- /system/app/Swype.apk
- /system/lib/libswypecorexxxxx.so [the x's stand in for the exact number]
2. Next, head here to download the installer if you didn't get it with my rom.
3. The rest is pretty self explanatory.

You do have to sign up to be a tester if you're not already, I have been for some times. I assure you, it's a harmless process and won't flood your email account.

I wish I could make this easier, but for some time now, Swype has only been releasing beta versions and they will all expire at some point.

As a bonus, if you follow my instructions, then your Swype personal dictionary will carry into the new Swype beta!

I have been referenced to a site with some themed editions of the most recent versions.
Also, you can check here for a few simpler themed editions I have built into my latest themes.
Please Note that I believe these alternate versions will still expire at some point, thus, the installer is pre-included into my roms.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2012, 02:39 PM
RandomKing's Avatar
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Re: [ROM][MTD][FC09] RandomROM THUNDERHAWK V | [5/21]

Regularly updated installation information available on the download page.
Install Options:

1. Incremental Update over the latest version.
2. Install over another custom rom version.
3. Clean install.

Please Note: If you attempt a clean install over ThunderHawk III Final, you will have to wipe your phone and install a second time in order to override the incremental updater.
Why not FC19?
I'm going through a very busy part of my life and am the father of a now two and a half month old baby boy. FC19 is a leaked rom, which I no longer officially support, due to Samsung's habit to break more than it fixes in it's updates. Especially in leaked versions not endorsed by Samsprint.

On that note, I will be digging in to ICS via CM9, if Samsung doesn't drop something else first. I've been toying with CM9, and battery life is improving... It's still a phone and it needs to have power for phone calls when those times come. Check my site for any news on that.
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