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Old 11-14-2011, 09:22 AM
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WARNING: will take a minute to boot on first boot, you will be stuck at the Samsung screen for a while, give it some time:.
.:WARNING: please read into the risks of overclocking before you do so, as I am not responsible for any damages this may cause to your phone:..

We at IAP have compiled all of the changes of many of the best devs out there.

To Name a few:


(devs feel free to borrow the zImage/Kernel... all I ask is a reference to Rodderik, NubeCoder, MKasick, DRockStar, SuprCurio, and of course yours truly Earthbound.IAP, not to mention all of the people here at XDA, Devs, Testers, and Supporters...)

.:EI22 OC/UV Kernel:.
Reverted back to 2.0.4 and added in sd card/media/camera fix...
removed freq 1490 (for better scaling with Governors)
removed freq 1440 (for better scaling with Governors)
removed freq 1340 (for better scaling with Governors)
removed freq 1100 (in order to compensate for adding 1500, trying to keep it to 10 freqs for better scaling)
battery overcharge protection.
system app mover and remover.
boot from sd card (dual boot)
supports bootanimation.zip and samsungani.qmg boot animations
freqs [1.5/1.4/1.3/1.2/1.0/900/800/600/400/100]
governors [performance/ondemand/powersave/userspace/conservative/interactive/interactiveX/smartass/smartassV2/SavagedZen/intellidemand/lagfree]
I/O schdulers [noop/deadline/cfq/bfq/sio]
Recovery Redirector (Reboot to bml
Kexec Support
Supports [init.d scripts/RFS/EXT4/CIFS/TUN/Netfilter TCPMSS]
Voltage Control Support
No Kernel Boot Splash !


:Fixes/Tips & Tricks:

.:Fixing Force Closes or Irregular Behavior:.
#1 go into settings/applications/manage applications/all
#2 find the offending app
#3 click clear data (this should take care of it, possible reboot necessary, if it hasn't continue below)

:Warning(the steps below will wipe all of your data):.
#4 If that didn't work wip data, cache, dalvik 3 times
#5 re-Install your rom (do not reboot)
#6 re-install kernel...
#7 Reboot and it should be cleared up..

If your vid recording is stopping at 15-45 seconds and says sd card does not support... follow the directions below...

Video Fix: The video problem is not your rom, or this kernel, it is your SD card... Here is how to fix it...
#1 Back-up your sd card in some way...
#2 boot into clockwork mod and format the sd card under mounts and storage...
#3 reboot and only install important data that you backed up...
#3 Now your video will record for a long time... Miine is at 3:45 right now as we speak...

.:Thanks Section for Kernel Building:.

Rodderik ! Awesome guy always willing to help me out and taught me a ton.
Drockstar ! Another one who is always willing to provide the appropriate ionformation without beating around any bushes.
NubeCoder I super hijacked his git and loaded up Samurai with tons of Nubernel Love...
MKasick We all know what he does....
DRockstar Another one we all know...
and everyone at XDA devs, testers, supporters alike we all contribute in our own way...

Last edited by djgallis; 12-06-2011 at 05:05 PM. Reason: UPDATED 12/6
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2011, 08:34 PM
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Re: [Kernel] IAP's EI22 House Of Samurai OC/UV Kernel* CWM Flashable

Great kernel, using it myself.

Make sure to check the original post linked, version 1.2.1 is out now.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1

Don't forget to Search first!
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G > Sprint Epic 4G Development

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