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Old 11-11-2011, 12:14 PM
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RandomROM THUNDERHAWK 3.0.5 [AIO] EI22 (WIP) | 11/11

posted on xda by RANDOMKING


2.3.4 EI22 "ThunderHawk" v.2.0 Semi-Official [Journaled]


EI22 THUNDERHAWK : Download Thunder Hawk zip

Updated 11/07/2011
Updates, Important Notices, and General Information Posted Here!

That’s right! Many of you have asked for it for some time now. Well, I’ve been busy, and updating the AIO mod to combine the Maddoggin’s lockscreens proved a bit of a headache, once again. I finally came through, however, so here it is. This may or may not outdate EG22. I don’t honestly know. I updated both to the maximum of my ability, and as usual, they are nearly identical to Phoenix for Froyo.
So here’s the fun part:
The only major differences I’m aware of between these two roms (EH17 and EG22) is that EH17 has more lockscreen capabilities due to more recent support, and that the alarm clock app should now be functional and is included again instead of deskclock.
That said, both now run on the latest nubernel and are therefor running an official source based kernel. I declare both versions Semi-Official. Random reboots appear to be slowed, if not stopped altogether. I don’t know for sure, I haven’t been testing it long. Also, no word yet on Google Framework FC’s. Also, I’ve built in the gps update and received as many as 11 satellite connections in my kitchen in personal testing, so that’s good.
So you tell me. Try them both, see which performs better, or if they are in fact identical. Hopefully Sprint/Samsung will give us the whole package soon.

I maintain RandomROM as a distribution across multiple forums. As such, the bulk of the information, details, etc. is maintained on my site. Rest assured, the links below will take you to aforementioned site where you will find all of the information you require regularly updated on how to use this rom. No subscription required. Always free (donations appreciated, never required). All of my roms, mods, themes, guides, etc. can be found on this easy to navigate site as well as my blog for upcoming updates. As always, I will still answer questions here.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, divorce, bankruptcy, acne, etc. Please do some research if you are a first time flasher BEFORE flashing this rom. YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me if something goes wrong with your device, I will laugh. By downloading, you agree to have read all pertinent information provided and to accept any and all responsibility subsequently.

Why Should I Use RandomROM?

This rom is a personal hobby of mine to maintain the greatest battery life that I can. I've scoured the forums searching for the newest and greatest tweaks, mods, etc. to include, and then carefully tested them all for battery performance. I've also made additional changes, developments, and additions all my own. As such, this rom has compiled the excellent work of many great developers into my own ideas and configurations. Contained within are many useful apps pre-installed as well as an effort to replicate my exact setup which has yielded me 0-1% battery loss per hour maximum when idle! On good days it's now beating RandomROM EC05 Phoenix!

All included apps have been RandomKing-Approved to conform with the best battery usage. I'm always on the lookout for more tweaks, possible thematic changes, etc. There should be no issues, but should I happen to find one, I may simply release a patch or quietly switch out the upload version.

Many of you have complained that others achieve much better battery life. The goal of RandomRom is to provide MY setup that's provided me with great battery life. Further details are available in the changelog of post 2, as well as more specific details and usage stats.

First and foremost, a huge thanks to the guys at Samfirmware for making this possible!
This rom incorporates the work of many AndroidCentral and XDA users. Huge thanks to necrosan, maddoggin, sbrissen, mkasick, chris41g, qbking77, optmsprim2, tortel1210, nubecoder, deano0714, and more to be listed!!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ThunderHawkLock2.jpg (92.0 KB, 15 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ThunderHawkLock1.jpg (89.0 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ThunderHawkScreen2.jpg (22.1 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ThunderHawkScreen1.jpg (15.4 KB, 9 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by djgallis; 11-11-2011 at 03:04 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Samsung Devices > Samsung Galaxy Series > CDMA-Specific > Sprint Epic 4G > Sprint Epic 4G Development

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