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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2010, 10:58 PM
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midNIGHT ROM DK28 (Froyo) old see the new thread

Welcome to the midNIGHT ROM Thread...

Current Releases:

midNIGHT ROM v2.6 EXT4 and Edify Ready

Clockwork3 is supported and can be found here. Please read Dameon87's thread VERY carefully prior to flashing CW3. THIS WILL MAKE ALL CURRENT ZIPS UNUSABLE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Change Log:

If you choose to use CW3 Then you will have EXT4 Support Only. CW3 auto converts everything to EXT4.

This ROM can be flashed in the old recovery as well so you can still use RFS. Going forward I will be using the CW3 redirector and ceasing support for RSF unless there is a huge demand for it. It's harder to support dual releases.

All sprint apps removed. (Hotspot remains cause it can't be removed)
TW has been removed.
Custom Boot animation (Thanks .........)
Custom Shutdown animation
Nexus S live wallpaper (including microbes)
Host file modified
build prop modified
Apps included in data allowing for easy removal:
-Launcher Pro
-Spare Parts
-Astro File Manager
-Google Talk
Completely Stock themed (Stock framework)
-Themes will be separate flashes in order to give you a choice.
Setup Wizard enables in order for easy application and setting restore
Nexus S Ringtones/Notifications/UI Sounds Included.
Default Ringtone is set to "old phone"

More to come...... RIght now I'm brain dead.
Attached Files
File Type: zip dk28-odin-modem.zip (5.08 MB, 225 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by ptfdmedic; 01-04-2011 at 11:25 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2010, 10:59 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.7 (Froyo DK28)

Current Release:

midNIGHT ROM v2.5 EXT4 (Dual) Support Stock Themed

midNIGHT ROM v2.5 EXT4 (Dual) Naked Edition Stock Themed

EXT4 Compatible Themes: Thanks to mysteryemotionz for his XML advice

New midNIGHT Theme v3 (AOSP Lock)

New midNIGHT Theme v3 (Stock Lock)

What to see the midNIGHT v3 Theme in action? Stop by my blog and click on the Android Development page..

midNIGHT ROM v2.4EXT4 Dual (Naked Edition)


***Please note photobucket and shootme were installed later in order to take screen shots***

midNIGHT ROM v2.4 EXT4 (Dual) Support Stock Themed

You can view a video preview and explanation of midNIGHT ROM v2.4 EXT4 (Dual) at my blog. Click the link and then go to the "Android Development" page at the top.

How to install EXT4 on a rooted DK28 ROM in 3 steps…….

Things you will need to do prior:

You need to pre-root with the one click root w/ clockwork redirect
Copy the midNIGHT v2.4 ROM over to your SD card. Make sure you have the OneClickEXT4.v1.3 folder on your desktop. The files are found here


1) Boot into clock work and flash the midnight v2.4 ROM
2) Once completed back out to the main menu in clockwork and scroll down to advanced and select “reboot Recovery” and plug the usb cable into the phone.
3) Once your back into the “New” Recovery v2.5.1.2 run the “install-ext4” found inside the OneClickEXT4.v1.3 folder (That’s on your computer) and wait 3-5 minutes for it to complete then reflash the midNIGHT ROM
That’s it. You can download Quadrant from the market. Run it and see your new score.

Before you doubt this procedure try it for yourself. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.

Let me explain why this works. The prepare zip is the means by which you install the new recovery. That's all it does. The new recovery is already included in my rom. Flashing the KERN-DK28EXT4 is doing just that flashing the kernel. My rom already has that included as well. So by flashing the ROM first you have installed the Recovery(prepared zip) and the new kernel (KERN-DK28EXT4) all in one motion. Then all that's left is to plug in and run the install bat. It's really mush easier this way. I was aiming to make it accessible to more people with different experience levels.

I cannot offer much support with install the EXT4. I can share how I did it. Please see the original thread for support.

You can view the midNIGHT ROM v2.2 EXT4 in action at my blog.




Last edited by ptfdmedic; 01-04-2011 at 09:18 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2010, 11:06 PM
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Awareness Themes

As you may or may not be aware I am the father to 3 Autistic boys. Autism has touched our lives in just about every way imaginable. Everyday we are faced with challenges most people can't fathom. My story can be found at my blog "Lost and Tired". One of the biggest challenges we face is tolerance from the general public. The goal with my blog to is share our story so that people know what Autism is like and the challenges we face.

So I came up with the idea for "Awareness Themes". The first one I have for you is a very simple "Autism Awareness" Theme. This is an otherwise stock theme with some simple modifications to the surface of the theme. I wanted it to be simple yet tasteful. For me personally it is a reminder to always be aware. I am constantly looking at my notifications and this serves as great reminder for me. I thought I would share and and spread a little Autism Awareness to this community. My goal as I become better at theming is have more detailed themes but for right now simple is all I can do. I want to add themes for breast cancer awareness and domestic violence awareness as well.

The Autism Awareness Theme Includes:
1) Puzzle piece wallpaper
2) Autism Awareness Ribbon on the notification pull down
3) The notification panels are the "Blue" from the "Autism Speaks" Puzzle Piece
4) I have added transparency to everything themed.

These won't be for everyone but anyone that has a child, family member or other loved one with Autism will understand the importance of what Awareness can do.

Here are some screens:

Attached Files
File Type: zip midNIGHT v2.0.5 Awareness (Autism).zip (5.12 MB, 10 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by ptfdmedic; 12-12-2010 at 04:05 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.0 beta (Froyo DK28) Tonight

Exactly what I have been waiting for. Thanks!

BTW, I assume this will also require us to flash the pit/modem with Odin?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.0 beta (Froyo DK28) Tonight

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
Exactly what I have been waiting for. Thanks!

BTW, I assume this will also require us to flash the pit/modem with Odin?
Yup. I'm going to be uploading shortly.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 01:38 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.0 beta (Froyo DK28) Tonight

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
Exactly what I have been waiting for. Thanks!

BTW, I assume this will also require us to flash the pit/modem with Odin?
actually no its not needed unless op is doing something different cause new modem was there after i flashed official froyo.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.0 beta (Froyo DK28) Tonight

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
actually no its not needed unless op is doing something different cause new modem was there after i flashed official froyo.
If you mean the OTA update.zip then yes, I believe it flashed the DK28 modem. This release does not include the modem. You will need to flash that via ODIN. I have it attached to the 1st post.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 03:00 AM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.0 beta (Froyo DK28) 12/5/2010 Come and get it

COME AND GET IT. ROM in in the 2nd post.....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.1(Froyo DK28) w/clockwork redirect: 2 flavors 12/5/2010

New ROM's are up in the 2nd post. They now come themed and stock themed. Also thanks to noobl clockwork redirect is integrated into these rom's now.

Directions remain the same. However, you only had to flash the modem 1 time. If you already have then your good to go.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 04:31 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.0.1(Froyo DK28) w/clockwork redirect: 2 flavors 12/5/2010

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
New ROM's are up in the 2nd post. They now come themed and stock themed. Also thanks to noobl clockwork redirect is integrated into these rom's now.

Directions remain the same. However, you only had to flash the modem 1 time. If you already have then your good to go.
thanx op, gonna finally get to this rom today.
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