[ROM]VIPERrom [ArtifiCIAL] DK17 2.6 BETA - UPDATED! 12-05-2010
Click Here for VIPERrom [IMPact] DK17 Kernel Thanks... Thanks to mysteryemotionz for the images, and Hero_Over for some of the theme work and zigarath. Here's a little info before you start... The download will come with 2 files. The actual ROM and the Modem.bin that you will have to Odin to the phone. Odin Download... Odin Multi Downloader v4.03.exe When you download the "Modem.bin" it will come with a pit file and the modem. Place the pit file where is says "pit" and the modem where it says "phone". Instructions... 1. MAKE A NANDROID BACKUP!! 2. Apply the new modem via Odin.(ONLY if you want the new modem. You do not need to select this option.) 3. Do a complete wipe via Clockworkmod at least 3 times. 4. Wipe cache at least once. 5. Choose "Install zip from sdcard", then "Choose zip from sdcard", then find the file you downloaded and choose that. Changelog... Added new theme for new ROM. ![]() Added Astro to system files. Removed Sprint Bloatware. (I still have all the files if you need anything.) Added a Host file to block ads. Added Gingerbread Youtube. Added Gingerbread Dolphin Browser. (Still has default that works.) Added Mini Info to system files. Created A Lagfix. Averaging 1500-1700 Quadrant scores.(Instructions Below) No "Force Close" issue with the disc view in music player. REMEMBER TO WIPE 3 TIMES!! Download Links... ROM -Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Modem & PIT - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Ok ...Now to the good stuff... Here's some screenshots to show you what [IMPact] entails... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And now to the scores i've been showing you... Here's a little lagfix developed to make your epic beast mode ![]() NOTE!! This WILL take up phone memory, in my code i've designated 300000 blocks for this because i barely use apps.(300000 Still allows room to install apps though) You can change this to your needs, but the lower the number, the slower the fix. If you set it really high like 480000 or something, you will NOT have room to install ANYTHING on your phone. If you are not happy with everything, simply wipe the phone and flash the ROM again, and the lagfix is gone. To the EPIC Devs... Feel free to use the lagfix for your roms... Start spreading the joy that is high scores ![]() Instructions... 1. Go to the market and download "busybox installer". 2. Install busybox. (Yes, i know the ROM comes with it, but the ROM doesn't have one of the files the fix needs.) 3. Type these commands into windows command prompt. adb shell su (at this point you will have to allow superuser on your phone, so look at your phone lol) mv /system/bin/userinit.sh /system/bin/used reboot Allow the phone to reboot, then type this... adb shell su busybox dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/dataimg bs=1024 count=300000 busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0 busybox losetup /dev/loop0 /data/dataimg busybox mkfs.ext2 /dev/loop0 mkdir /data/data1 mv /system/bin/used /system/bin/userinit.sh reboot At this point, the lagfix will be in effect... let the phone fully boot and run quadrant if you'd like. ![]() If you have any questions, either hit me up with a PM or write in this thread. BThomas22x Team VIPER Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 12-07-2010 at 03:28 PM. |
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[ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
Ok... Lets see if I can't help you guys out any... First i'll give you the links to the downloads you're going to need if you feel like tweaking the modem.
What you're going to need. 1. Odin 2. SDK 3. The Lagfix Script So let's start with number 1. Here's the Download. Click Here to download Odin3 for Samsung Epic. Click here to download the modem.bin and PIT files. As for use of Odin, It's actually a lot easier than it seems. I'll give you a quick runthrough. 1. Download and extract Odin, as well as the Modem and PIT files. (You DO NOT flash the ROM through Odin, The ROM is flashed through Clockwork.) 2. Open Odin. At this point, you have to put your phone in download mode. To do so, simply hold the number 1 on the keyboard, and the power button at the same time. Once in download mode, plug the USB cable into the phone. Only plug the phone in AFTER Odin is up and running or Odin won't pick up the phone. 3. Navigate to where you downloaded the modem and pit files and place the PIT file where it says "PIT" and the modem.bin file where it says "phone". 4. On the left side there is an options box. Make sure that "reboot" is the ONLY thing that's checked. 5. Now you're ready to flash the new modem. (Remember, the modem does NOT need to be downloaded, it's just a bonus feature) Hit start and allow it to run through it's process. When finished, the block above the port that your USB is showing will turn either green or red for pass or fail. At this point I haven't heard of anyone failing. When Odin is done doing it's thing, it will automatically reboot the phone for you. Then you're setup with the new modem! Now, on to SDK. Here are the download links with their respective systems. Download SDK for windows HERE Download SDK for Mac HERE Download SDK for Linux HERE Instructions for installing SDK to your computer... 1. Download one of the SDK kits from the links provided above and extract it. 2. Install it to somewhere that will be easy for you to access. I have placed my sdk folder in "my computer" so when i start the command prompt i can type "C:/sdk/tools" and it takes me directly to the sdk folder. 3. Next we're going to set a PATH for you. This is how it's done on windows, i'm not sure how to do it on the other platforms, but i'd imagine it's not that different. 4. Open the start menu and RIGHT click on "my computer" to bring up the right click menu. Then click on properties. When the box opens, on the left side there are some options listed. Click on the bottom one that says "Advanced System Settings". 5. When that box pops up, at the bottom there is an option that says "Environment Variables"... Click on that. 6. Now you will see two text fields. One on top of the other. You're going to click on "new" on the BOTTOM box. To make sure you're in the right one, it should say "system variables." Now it will ask for the name, and you can type in whatever you want. I've typed in SDK for ease. 7. It's also going to ask you for the variable value. This is where you're going to type the path to where you put your SDK kit. Mine is "C:/sdk/tools" 8. Now you have downloaded and installed SDK and created a path for it, it's time to use it to type the lagfix. Open your command prompt from the start menu. 9. Follow the instructions given above in the OP to install the lagfix. I hope this helps for everyone. If you need anything else, just let me know. |
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Re: [ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
Thanks for the welcome... so far everyone here seems to be very mature. I appreciate that. And PM checked and replied
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Re: [ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
im pretty sure your gonna need to elaborate more on the adb shell part like on xda, maybe copy/paste info. and links cause there are people gonna say "adb shell in command does nothing"
Re: [ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
OP says flashing the new modem with Odin is optional. Is this ROM having any of the problems the last DK05 release had? I have to assume its not since this thread isn't peppered with warnings about how it might brick your phone. And will it still work at 100% performance if I choose not to flash the new modem? What is the difference?
Re: [ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
Android SDK | Android Developers |
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Re: [ROM]VIPERrom [IMPact] DK05 - 11-19-2010
Thanks. I'm just gonna go with the ROM for now. "Tweaking the modem" with SDK sounds a little over my head. Maybe one of you smart guys can do that for us and upload a "tweaked" version of the modem that the rest of us space monkeys can download and enjoy.
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