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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 06:05 PM
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Pocket PC: Alltel HTC Touch Pro
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Arrow FS: Sprint TP that WORKS on Verizon/Alltel

Selling my 6 or so month old Sprint Touch Pro. This phone has been in use on Verizon (and Verizon only) for the last 6 months. The ESN and MEID of the phone is in the Verizon database, so if you accidently deprogram it, just load up a Verizon PRL and dial *228 Option 3 to activate again Data/MMS/Texting all work PERFECTLY fine. I've switched phones numerous times and have always been able to activate this again. The only defect is the keyboard no longer works. If you activate on Sprint, they will fix it free of charge. If you activate on Verizon, simply take it to a Sprint repair shop or to a third-party repair shop and they will replace the keyboard for around $30. I do have the phone listed on Craigslist and eBay, the highest offer gets it.

I'll also throw in a red hard shell for it with belt clip and a FM transmitter (Chinese made...tunes the full US spectrum and slightly overpowered (don't use near the FCC :P)).

Pic is old but the phone hasn't really changed much (it's been in hard case it's entire life).

Looking for anything between $150 and $250...make offers via PM!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: FS: Sprint TP that WORKS on Verizon/Alltel

Going to keep this offer here until Friday, after that I'm gonna list it on eBay. Please PM me with offers if you are interested!
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  PPCGeeks > Off Topic Chatter > Bargain Trader > Sold/Inactive Items

alltel, htc, sprint, touch pro, verizon

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