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Old 09-17-2010, 03:53 AM
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Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

Microsoft Clarifies Windows Phone 7 Availability for CDMA (Phone Scoop)

Microsoft's Windows 7 Starting Only on GSM Network Smartphones - WSJ.com

Seems Microsoft wants to battle the iPhone head on.. ONLY GSM Carriers will be getting WP7 Devices until mid 2011...

Flat out, MS is done for now... FOR SURE!!!! were talking 8-10 more months here.. Android will be running Gingerbread(3.0) already, and iPhone OS will be months away from launching iOS5(remember apple has updated every year since iPhone was introduced).. Phones will have 1.5, maybe even 2GHz processors-dual core of course.. and MS will still have theyre thumbs in thyre asses...

MS will be soooooooooo far behind by the time it hits, theres no way theyll recover from it.. Android and iPhone will be so much more progressed that WP7 will need a HUGE update just to compete, yet itll just be dropping for CDMA devices...

Im sorry, but MS is a big ****ing joke IMO now... Sprint and VZW have easily outdone any other carrier in MS SmartPhones, anytime in the last 3 years a new winMO device has come out-its sold out immediately and back ordered for months sometimes...

I dont care if GSM is the worlds network.. Once Sprint and Tmobile hook up in just a few months: "Sprint-together w/ Tmobile and Nextel"(dont count Sprint on giving up their name) will be the #1 overall Carrier.. so why shit on Sprint now, months before they become the largest carrier overall..

I dont even want a WP7 device, AT ALL!!!! but even i realize this is complete shit... WP7 Gang, i genuinely feel sorry for you guys, i know youve been anticipating this for awhile... by the time MS pushes back CDMA WP7 one more time(like always) itll be 8months to a year from now till you see a WP7 device on Sprint or VZW..

Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 11:10 AM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

This news finally took me off the fence... the TP2 I have now will be my last WinMo device of any type. I'll officially be moving to Android devices from here on out... I've been dualbooting Xandroid for about a month now, and even in it's limited state it OBLITERATES every other OS I've ever seen. Thank you MS AND SPRINT (they're not exempt in this) for making it easy for me to say goodbye.
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Old 09-17-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
Seems Microsoft wants to battle the iPhone head on.. ONLY GSM Carriers will be getting WP7 Devices until mid 2011...
Actually, they probably just needed to pick one or the other to be first. I would pick GSM too, as that gets you most of the world, and two carriers in the US (#1 and #4)

I doubt it has anything to do with Apple. They're not going to take away market share from them. I'm not sure at all where they *are* going to get market share
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

op you seem like you know the whole ins/outs of wp7? ms isnt done and dont feel sorry for the gang. if you dont wanna wp7 device stop bitching and go droid. cdma could be ready jan btw but it will be ready first half of 2011 which jan. is in.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 09-17-2010 at 03:09 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

I honestly don't have a problem with this. I've had my TP2 for only a year and it still does everything I need it to do. By the time the CDMA version comes out hopefully there will be an upgrade to WP7 that includes cut and paste. Also, by that time hopefully there will be a phone running a Tegra 2 chip.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

I want to try it no matter what and I really hope you are right mrpopdog and they decide to add cup and paste as well as multitasking

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 11:42 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
op you seem like you know the whole ins/outs of wp7? ms isnt done and dont feel sorry for the gang. if you dont wanna wp7 device stop bitching and go droid. cdma could be ready jan btw but it will be ready first half of 2011 which jan. is in.
Microsoft: Windows Phone 7 to be GSM-only until first half of 2011 -- Engadget
Im glad i like you Darren or i mightve taken that a bit personal lol... WTF do i need a Droid for?? First DROID is a DEVICE Product LIne(DROID, DROID ERIS,DROID INCREDIBLE,DROID X, DROID 2), not slang for Android.. sorry but thats only in Star WArs lol

Im perfectly happy with winMO AND my TP2, so why do i need another platform?? I mean id be upset if the platform Ive been waiting for over a year+ for just got pushed back 8months, but you dont gotta vent it out on me Ole boy

and i guess we'll see in a year where MS is, but itll still be #4 overall if not lower.. Behind(IMO) Android>iOS>BlackBerry.. .. .. and thats TRUTH right there... quite kidding yourself, MS will always be behind from now on.. ANdroid is to strong and will out do iPhone by its 4th year.. Blackberry was the leader for far to long so even though they drag now, MS has a long way to go to catch up...

I like winMO.. but we all can agree MS makes a lot of mistakes in the smartphone game and putting WP7 off for as long as they have and admitting itll be 3-5 years before Wp7 is even "where MS wants it to be" just means a WP8 is even farther away and by then theyll be on Android 6.0 - Coffee Cake(lol) and iOS 8 or 9... MS cannot ever possible catch up to the competition, flat out...

can MS make WP7 to be great, absolutely!!!!! but that doesnt mean theyll ever gain in the margin theyre behind by and thats all im trying to say.. MS will be in the back of the pack forever man-atleast never climbing higher than 3rd overall in platform
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Old 09-18-2010, 04:26 AM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

Where are you getting 8 months from? I was thinking January or February but it's just a guess like the rest.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 05:03 AM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

no, I think the blame lies with the FCC (Federal Communist Commission)
the Commonwealth has decided on GSM and LTE
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Old 09-18-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: Its Official, No CDMA VAriant of Windows Phone 7 till mid 2011!!!!

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
I doubt it has anything to do with Apple. They're not going to take away market share from them. I'm not sure at all where they *are* going to get market share
ATT is said to be the "offical launch partner" for wp7 and getting upto 6 WP7 devices.. so thatll put their sales in direct competition with iPhone whether thats what they wanted or not ya know, thats all i meant by it

Originally Posted by w7excursion View Post
Where are you getting 8 months from? I was thinking January or February but it's just a guess like the rest.
think about that.. MS NEEDS WP7 to be succesful for there mobile business, we all agree on that right?? so why would they miss the Holiday season for CDMA just to release it a month or two later-when everyones trying to recover from holiday spending.. Jan-Feb is the worst time for anything.. People hold on to their money the most between those months because they over spend during the holidays... it just wouldnt make sense from a marketing standpoint just to make people wait a month.

and even darrens links title says "first half of 2011".. so that means itll be more like April-ish, maybe March if not a Summer release..

and i agree with another post FCC could be the culprit too i suppose..

I just wouldve liked to see WP7 come to VZW and Sprint right away.. I may not want a WP7 phone, just mean im not interested seeing my carrier have them... so it sucks it got pushed back.. idont like iPhone either, but i know its a good move for Sprint if they can ever get one..
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