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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 07:05 PM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

i would love to be an alpha tester as well. Is there a process on their site. I will snoop around on this but let me know. thanks guys.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 09:47 PM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

in the skyfire forums, send a PM to OmahaDave. I don't know if he's looking for more or not, but it can't hurt to ask.
and yes, this was publicly announced in the skyfire forum's beta section about a week ago
I'm just sayin'

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 11:12 PM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

Originally Posted by PacoJr67 View Post
Skyfire's game plan is to keep it's software free for the end user. whether that means charging OEMs or carriers they haven't said yet. but whatever the skyfire team decides, I'm sure it will be posted on the skyfire forums

good to see that no one's breaking any NDA's=D>
Yea, good thing, eh?
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

Originally Posted by PacoJr67 View Post
in the skyfire forums, send a PM to OmahaDave. I don't know if he's looking for more or not, but it can't hurt to ask.
and yes, this was publicly announced in the skyfire forum's beta section about a week ago
thanks man!!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2009, 10:32 AM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

for those of you who've been wondering what we on the alpha team have been doing...
Skyfire 1.0 hit beta today so it's available to all!

just go to get.skyfire.com from your phone's browser

Skyfire 1.0 is here. The release notes follow.

Skyfire 1.0 – Release Notes (Windows Mobile and Symbian)

Released: May 27, 2009

We are excited to release Skyfire 1.0. In this release, we focused on enhancing user interactions, stability, and scalability to create a solid foundation on which to build the future of the product.

What’s new in 1.0?

* Thumbnail interaction. Now you can click on links immediately after the page loads without having to zoom in. This enhancement is especially helpful for high resolution phones, and for familiar sites where you know right away where you want to click. It makes getting to the content you want on the page simpler, quicker and more efficient.
* Improved zoom. Double-tap or double-click to zoom over any element, including links, images or videos. The zoom interaction is smoother and more responsive as well. Best of all: when you zoom in you will get readable text instantly.
* Enhanced navigation. When you navigate back or forward, you return to the last viewport (e.g. zoom level and portion of the page). This eliminates the need to pan and zoom into the section you were viewing on the previous page. Skyfire remembers the viewport even when you select a page from your history. We have also added shortcut keys, (9) for forward and (7) for backward navigation.
* Improved page handling. Enhancements have been made especially for AJAX-intensive sites such as Facebook and Gmail. When larger parts of the page get updated, the client will more quickly and accurately reflect this. In addition, now, we support full-width iFrames in Skyfire.
* Fast start. We changed both the sequence and behavior of the Skyfire launch so you get started as quickly as possible. You can type a search or URL in the Superbar while Skyfire is connecting in the background. You can put Skyfire to work before the start page is even loaded. Plus, we’ve improved connection performance.
* Reconnect to last state. When you leave Skyfire in the background Skyfire disconnects to preserve battery life. When you come back to Skyfire (after minutes, hours, days), it will reload the same page to the same zoom level and focus. You can continue right where you left off. When you exit and start again, Skyfire you will always land on the start page.
* Connection helper. There is a new mechanism to detect when connections cannot be established to Skyfire servers. If this is due to a network configuration (common in GSM land), then we provide suggestions to help out. This is especially useful if you are with a carrier/data plan that places restrictions on certain APN configurations, which interferes with Skyfire.
* Enhanced search results. Google results now include video, news articles, local results all blended on a single results page and ordered by relevance. Vertical search categories are still available.
* Improved RSS feed search. Find your favorite custom RSS feeds through the improved Add-Feed feature, found under the Customize menu on the start page. Search by site domain, feed URL, or even topical keywords.
* Easier sharing of RSS items from start page. We’ve exposed a simple “Share this article” link below each RSS story displayed on your start page to make it easier to share interesting items to your Twitter and Facebook.
* Remember last connection (Symbian only). Skyfire can now remember the last connection for you, so you will not have to choose a connection every single time. In addition, if you want to change the connection type while you are in Skyfire you can do so.

Known issues in this release

* Reconnect behavior. Skyfire disconnects when left idle or put into the background to preserve battery life. On reconnect it loads the last known page from history. In some circumstances, it may load a different page from history then the last page.
* Audio/video (Symbian only): On slow connections, A/V might be out of sync.

Not supported in Skyfire

* Text entry into Flash or Silverlight plug-ins is not supported.
* Skyfire does not support ‘local storage’ mode for plug-ins. Thus the following will be affected: Netflix media player, Pandora media player, Rhapsody media player.
* Download of password protected files are not supported.
* Uploading files is not supported.
* HTTP Authentication (e.g. the native browser dialog that asks for username and password when going to certain sites) is not supported.
* DivX and XviD Video formats are not supported.
* QuickTime movies which require playback external of browser are not supported. (QuickTime clips
* embedded in a page are supported).
* FTP browsing and access is not supported. (e.g. URL’s with ftp:// )
* Anchors (In-page links) are not supported.


You can upgrade to 1.0 by pointing your browser to http://get.skyfire.com.

If you are currently running Skyfire Beta 0.85 or earlier, you must first uninstall Skyfire from your device and then install 1.0. You will be able to log into your existing Skyfire account using the ‘log-in’ option on the start page.

Your Skyfire Team
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

make sure they keep flash player especially to view movies on hulu.com...but skyfire looks very promising..
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: Skyfire Alpha test team

i dont use a flash player and hulu movies play fine. i think thats the reason people use skyfire, for playing flash sites.
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