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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 04:59 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

something like this..with secret message.

well if you have have a hermes/8525, I attached a QR code reader.
Attached Files
File Type: zip qr code.zip (298.9 KB, 2 views) Click for barcode!
  #102 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 05:04 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Heh... iPhone SUX BALLZ!
  #103 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 06:36 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Ok, i will st mines in 2 days.Excuse my ignorance. Usually contest like these do come with deadlines. But its all good.
  #104 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 06:42 PM
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Talking Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Originally Posted by saumaun View Post

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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 09:45 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Ok, i will st mines in 2 days.Excuse my ignorance. Usually contest like these do come with deadlines. But its all good.
Ready to see it

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson
  #106 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2008, 11:56 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
no, I was thinking of the QR codes http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=5&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ppcgeeks.com or ShotCodes, has a standard been made yet for phones? otherwise we could be really geeky and have both (or is it 3 versions now?)
I really liked the other submissions in this thread and after looking at other shirts I noticed I forgot a few brands and also used shaggy's idea & created 2 diff. codes for the back. The central pic is suppose to represent the earth and the geeks that will conquer.

awww....dammit, just noticed I neglected to throw a diamond in there....btw way if anyone needs a QR code reader for their mobile let me know.

also to help out fellow Photoshop users...here is a package I found at download.com called 22Pixels Flock which includes:
153 Fonts
1 File Formats
1 Filters
100+ Brush Packs
14 Custom Shape Packs
17 Style Packs
30 Texture Packs

1. 04B_03__
2. 08 Underground
3. 1942
4. 28 Days Later
5. 4990810_
7. a Theme for murder
8. Achafexp
9. Achafita
10. Achaflft
11. Achafont
12. Achafout
13. Achafsex
14. ACTION_2
15. actionis
16. Actionsh
17. adinekir
18. Aerosol
19. akbar
20. alamain1
21. ALBA____
22. ALBAM___
23. ALBAS___
24. All Star Resort
25. American Life Normal
26. angelina
27. Anglo Text
28. AnkeCall
30. Anywhere
31. ARDED___
32. Army Condensed
33. Army Expanded
34. Army Hollow Condensed
35. Army Hollow Expanded
36. Army Hollow Thin
37. Army Hollow Wide
38. Army Hollow
39. Army Thin
40. Army Wide
41. Army
43. ASENST__
44. ASENT___
45. ASENW___
46. AWAKEN__
47. BALLW___
48. BarcodeFont
49. Base 02
50. be______
51. Blade 2
52. Blazed
54. BN Pinky Bold
55. BN Pinky
56. Bodie MF Holly
57. Bonnet__
58. bonzai
59. brocs___
60. BROKEN15
61. btseps2
64. Champignon
65. CHOPS___
66. CHRIC___
67. Christmas
68. ChristmasLightsIndoor
69. ChristmasLightsOutdoor
70. ChristmasTime
71. cocacola
72. Cocaine sans
73. CrayonE
74. CrayonL
75. CygnetRound
76. dali____
77. dc_o
78. dc_s
79. Elegant
80. emison
81. English_
82. evanescent
83. evanescent_p
84. F-Rotten_Font
85. famlogs_
86. fauxsnow
87. finalf
88. Flakes
89. Flogged
92. Friends
93. Got_Heroin
94. Grand Stylus
95. Halo Outline
96. Halo
97. harry_potter_and_the_ding bat_font
98. HARRYP__
99. hurricaneSDS
100. JaneAust
101. Junior Star
102. Kocity
104. Lovelt__
105. LUMOS
106. machauer
107. MAEL____
108. MARCS___
109. Marcsc___
110. mclawsui
111. MLSJN
112. Moonstar
113. Mutlu__Ornamental
115. Old Script
117. penkiller
118. PepRally
119. PlumBAE
120. PlumBAL
121. PlumBDE
122. PlumBDL
123. PlumNAE
124. PlumNAL
125. PlumNDE
126. PlumNDL
127. pricedow
128. Printorn
129. renaissance
130. RINGM___
131. roughage
132. RUFA
135. SeyesBDE
136. SeyesBDL
137. SeyesNDE
138. SeyesNDL
139. SF Distant Galaxy Alternate Italic
140. SF Distant Galaxy Alternate
141. SF Distant Galaxy AltOutline Italic
142. SF Distant Galaxy AltOutline
143. SF Distant Galaxy Italic
144. SF Distant Galaxy Outline Italic
145. SF Distant Galaxy Outline
146. SF Distant Galaxy Symbols Italic
147. SF Distant Galaxy Symbols
148. SF Distant Galaxy
149. Simpsonfont
150. waltographUI
151. WildRide
152. WildRideBackfill
153. Witched
File Formats
1. icoformat
1. Sinedots
Abstract Brushes
1. Abstract.abstract_brushes
2. Abstract.Abstract_brushes _1
3. Abstract.abstract_smoke_b y_The_MoVieMan
4. Abstract.AbstractFractal
5. Abstract.Bwell_Abstract_S et_4
6. Abstract.BwellAbstractSet 3
7. Abstract.c42 brushes 2
8. Abstract.c42 brushes 3
9. Abstract.c42 brushes 4
10. Abstract.c42_brushes 1
11. Abstract.CGAbstractBrushP ack1
12. Abstract.dazo abstract brushes
13. Abstract.explosive_brushe s
14. Abstract.FDabstracts
15. Abstract.ice_abstract
16. Abstract.pellucidv001
17. Abstract.pellucidv002
18. Abstract.Pitcoe__s_BrushS et__4
19. Abstract.Renderbrush
20. Abstract.s_BrushSet_6
21. Abstract.tainted3
22. Abstract.Vypas_Brushes_2
23. Abstract.Vypas_Brushes_3
24. Abstract.williamo_lightni ng1
25. Abstract.WuRklash_VS_INC8 _Reboot
26. Abstract.ww- brush set 8
27. Abstract.WW-brush pack 6
28. Abstract.WW-brush pack 9
29. Abstract.WW-brush set 5
30. Abstract.ww-brush set 7
31. Abstract.WW-brush set 9
32. Abstract.Xephyer_Brushset _1
33. Abstract.zeal_abstract
34. Abstract.ZR Abstract
Grunge Brushes
1. Grunge.AGFX Grunge 1
2. Grunge.barbed wire (michmellow)
3. Grunge.brush02
4. Grunge.brush05
5. Grunge.brush10
6. Grunge.brush11
7. Grunge.Dubtastic-MoGrunge
8. Grunge.grunge
9. Grunge.grunge1
10. Grunge.Grunge2
11. Grunge.grunge3
12. Grunge.GrungeStract
13. Grunge.gstudio_grunge_bru sh_set__1
14. Grunge.jenr_grunge3
15. Grunge.Marrow_Grunge_7_0
16. Grunge.nightlights
17. Grunge.Official CDP Grunge Set 3
18. Grunge.R3gre7_Fractal_Bru shes
19. Grunge.Radio9xAntiqueHand Lettered
20. Grunge.SFgrunge
21. Grunge.skumm_industrial
22. Grunge.SM_SplatterisM1_Lo w
23. Grunge.sophiesgrunge
24. Grunge.sophiesgrungev2
25. Grunge.street_elements
26. Grunge.tioem-set20
27. Grunge.Wandbrushes - Grunge2
Misc Brushes
1. Misc.brush04
2. Misc.chaoslokiart_trees
3. Misc.fdl_string_twine
4. Misc.greenspoon-dice
5. Misc.greenspoon-fadingstars
6. Misc.greenspoon-rose
7. Misc.NagelSeries32
8. Misc.Natural Brushes 2
9. Misc.Natural Brushes
10. Misc.retrogrades-butterflies set 1
11. Misc.ShadyMedusa_dots
12. Misc.spiders (michmellow)
13. Misc.Square Brushes
14. Misc.starry night
Tech Brushes
1. Tech.iLudels_Tech_a_brush es
2. Tech.Nickmeister_brush_se t
3. Tech.Nickmeister_brush_se tV2
4. Tech.Night_Tech1
5. Tech.OfficialCDPNumbersbr ushset1
6. Tech.SD_Tech_Brushes
7. Tech.SyntaxWires
8. Tech.TEch2
9. Tech.TEch23
10. Tech.Wurklash
11. Tech.XK_Experiments
12. Tech.zdtech22
Tribal Brushes
1. Tribal.Illegal_tribalset1
2. Tribal.tioem-set13
3. Tribal.tioem-set16
4. Tribal.tioem-set24
5. Tribal.tioem-set26
6. Tribal.tioem-set29-a
7. Tribal.tioem-set7
8. Tribal.tioem-set8
Vector Brushes
1. Vector.Dylsters_Vectors1
2. Vector.ghost_vector
3. Vector.longhorns_vector1
4. Vector.Mine_Vector
5. Vector.Mine_Vector2
6. Vector.p_i_b_misc02
7. Vector.p_i_b_vector
8. Vector.Phate_Vector01
9. Vector.Sapphire Contour Brushes 001
10. Vector.ThundeVector1
11. Vector.Trow_Vector
12. Vector.Vector_1
13. Vector.Vector_Set_1
14. Vector.VectorBrushSet1
1. All
2. Animals
3. Arrows
4. Banners
5. Frames
6. Music
7. Nature
8. Objects
9. Ornaments
10. Shapes
11. Symbols
12. TalkBubbles
13. Tiles
14. Web
1. 22Pixles_Pack
2. Abstract Styles
3. Buttons
4. Dotted Strokes
5. Glass Button Rollovers
6. Glass Buttons
7. Image Effects
8. Photographic Effects
9. Rollover Buttons
10. Text Effects 2
11. Text Effects
12. Textures
13. Web Rollover Styles
14. Web Styles
15. 22Pixels_Scribbles_1
16. 22Pixles_Pack
17. Untitled Patterns
1. Blue Pastels
2. Burnt Red Pastel Paper
3. Charcoal on Paper
4. Dirt
5. Granite
6. Grass
7. Lambswool
8. Leafy Bush
9. Linen
10. Purple Daisies
11. Purple Pastels
12. Sepia Marble Paper
13. Spiky Bush
14. Stucco Color
15. Wild Red Flowers
16. Wrinkle Wood Paper
17. Yellow Green Chalk
18. Yellow Tan Dry Brush
19. 22Pixels_Scribble_1_Tex
20. dots
21. Feathers
22. Footprints
23. Frosted Glass
24. Lines
25. Mountains 1
26. Puzzle
27. Rust Flakes
28. Snake Skin
29. Strands 1
30. Stucco 2

wheeeeeeewwwwwwwwww..........that was a long post.

Last edited by !Kernel Panic!; 09-14-2008 at 12:37 AM.
  #107 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2008, 02:18 AM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

heres some i did for my website...... just some ideas for mind.... like to keep it clean and stylish at the same time.

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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

I love the world of PPCs you have made !Kernel Panic! It's very nice along with all the other new designs here!
  #109 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

Originally Posted by Courtney1985 View Post
I love the world of PPCs you have made !Kernel Panic! It's very nice along with all the other new designs here!
What do U think about the other dude's t-shirt of he's site?
Pls join us at MMAlinker.com. It's the best MMA forum On the Planet.We have a lot of News,Updates and fight videos. We'll See You there.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: Official PPCGeeks T-Shirt Competition!!!

I do like it, looks nice too!
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