Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
how much sense does that make? I thought that was the point of the sig line? Say what you want as it can be turned off by users that want to ignore it. I see links in them all the time. Who knows, there may have been another reason. I'm staying out of it and letting this thread die. The mods clearly heard my comments, it is up to them to do with it as they please. Peace
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)
Remember to say ![]() Open thread without searching > waste server usage > waste energy > higher gas prices ![]() Think about the economy the next time you feel the need to open a useless thread. ![]() ![]() |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
Ok, stop... I'm typing my reply at the moment.
Goddbody, check your PMs. The infraction was not issued for the link on your signature, it was issued for the post that is linked to on the infraction PM. It is also on your quoted post. While the infraction may say Spam Advertisement, it was meant that the content of the post was spam. That is simply a system limitation. I will continue to type my reply now...
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
That comment did detract from the thread that it was in and was pointless. I have to agree with the mods on that one. I have not heard of any infraction abuse/misuse from mods, more along the lines of closing threads. Which in the end is their own decision as they were given the power and we were not.
P.s. I only came back to hear pibey and because I got a PM from Goddbody Last edited by wldthng842; 03-03-2008 at 07:06 PM. |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
okay I am officially mad now. How many times has a person put an acronym in a post to respond to something they felt was humerous but was off topic? Wldthng842 you comment in pms that it was wimpy..thats an understatement. i bet ole dude went to look something up to flag me for, but like you I am done with it now. I don't have time for childish games.
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
Regarding the point that seems to be predominant, is that some mods seem to close more threads than others. And even though I should not have to explain this, I will for the betterment (is that a word?) of the community.
This is a combination of some moderators being online more than others, and also the power a moderator has. For example, moderators (orange user names) only have power in their specific forum, while Super Mods have power all over the site. Moderators help by posting about threads/posts they see in forums they don't have access to, then the first Super Mod to come online and see those posts goes in and takes care of them. So... if, for example, I am online more often than others, and see all the posts by Moderators in our staff section, I will look like I am closing more threads than any other moderators. Quote:
While you may not believe us, we discuss almost every thread closing, user infraction, and banning done on the site. A few exceptions are spam bots, questions done without searching, etc. Also, I did read your post... by saying you started to save threads but then decided against it, at one point you had to have saved threads, and I was just pointing out that instead of saving them, pointing them out to moderators would be a better choice. I don't feel anyone has defended their point with "puffed up arrogance". If a mistake is made, we will recognize it and apologize for it. Quote:
I also assure you that if Wideawake felt users were leaving for a specific moderator, that moderator would be removed from the roster. This is his site, and he wants nothing but success for it. Quote:
You are more than welcomed to have a link to your site (as long as it is within the rules) in your signature. Quote:
![]() I don't feel anyone got attacked for voicing their opinions. With all due respect, this thread was not even about that. It was about another thread, on another site, about our site. Evetything was fine until the reasoning behind why that user left/was banned was questioned. And this was questioned without having all the facts, it is not that we feel the need to defend ourselves. We do so for different reasons, one is because we do not want our users to think we are ignoring them. Two, it is because it's not fair for moderators to be attacked or called out on their decisions when the person questioning them doesn't even have all the facts. Let's be sincere, do you think that if someone is banned/warned and they create a thread/post about it that they are going to tell you other things that they may have done in the past? Infractions or PMs from moderators they may have received in the past? Of course not, they just want to start a movement against the staff. All these other infractions/PMs from moderators are documented in our staff area, so that if another issue comes up about a user, we have reference to check if there have been issues in the past. Quote:
After all, we are all here for the same reason, to learn and get the most out of our devices. This has been talked about many, many times... if you feel a thread was closed with no grounds, then please PM the moderator that closed it, or another staff member if you prefer not to deal with that specific person. I still don't see where the "abuse" is, lately all I have seen closed are threads that have gotten way out of hand, or threads that ask what is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Like the friggin' PicMail/MMS issue that is driving me nuts!!! /rant |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
While many users use acronyms when something is funny, it is also accompanied by content. Posts that only say something like "lol", "ROFL", etc. are considered spam... because that is what they are. The post did not contribute anything to the discussion. If you had been posting on an Off Topic thread, then maybe I could see your point. At this point I know nothing will make you happy, if you really want to be mad because of an internet forum, then that is up to you. I am glad you are done with this thread and don't have time for more "childish games", this means we, as a community, can move on as well. I apologize if take all this the wrong way, but I feel I have backed up all my statements. |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
Wimpy or not, this is their site and they can do what they want with it. I have no further comments about it. Plus it's not like they banned you, it is an infraction. Not really a big deal, more of a warning.
Pibe, thanks for your comments. This would probably be a good closing point. |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
Pibe what are you talking about looking for excuses? I get mad when i feel I am treated unfairly, yes I made the post today, and yes the Mod that flaged me was also in this thread today also, so I don't see your point here. Do you know how many times I have posted in a thread hereLastly, with simular acronyms? Lastly, like wldthang842 said its really not a big deal, but when I see what I saw posted in here today happen again I will respond, because the person the thread originated from had a valid arguement. I could careless about any rationalizations that may be offered. I think we have all exhausted our opinions on this and time to move on. |
Re: PPCGeeks boycott??
Let it go people, we've been talking about this all day. dang even presidential candidates dont beat an issue to death like this!
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