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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:23 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

well, not that its any of your business, but we do talk about these kinds of threads and decide, as a group, when/if to close them. The point at which a thread will be closed/deleted really depends on the users contributing to the thread. If there are constantly users interjecting meaningless posts and acting like Trolls (see how to behave on a forum thread in off-topic) then the thread will be closed asap. If the contributors are acting reasonably and not causing problems because of the thread, then we tend to keep it open for discussion.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:28 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

As a user, isn't how the site works part of our business. I don't want to tell you how to do your job, I do know what it is like to be a moderator. I understand that communication is happening but there seems to be a difference between different moderators. You are more conservative, whereas other mods are more likely to just shut stuff off from what I can tell. It also tends to change depending on the forum. I would assume that this site like most others has a staff only forum which is used to communicate such decisions. A site this big will never work as well as one with 1 or 2 mods. All I was saying is that in my opinion it could be a little more transparent from mod to mod in a perfect world, not likely to happen on a site this big.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

so wait wasnt that like months ago that he was banned? I remember that foolishness. and he's still so raw about it that he's making up boycott threads?!!? Classic.... i bet he's pissed at the mod who closed the boycott thread now as well....

bottom line wheter he felt he was right or wrong (and he was very wrong) when do you decide to make another screen name to co-sign your own posts? That's some multiple personality type stuff there!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:35 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by Goddbody View Post
Now Now Pibe I was posting in that thread when that fallout occured. That user was a lil over the top, I remember you posting that "don't think that we don't know its you signing in under another Username", and I am not sure what actions may have caused the User to be baned, but as I recall the issues of that thread was an escalation into opinions on how certain Mods are over zealous in closing threads. Your arguement, well taken I might add, was that threads should stay on the topic of that particular thread. However, I did agree at the time, and still do concure on the obvious fact that there is a great disparity in the way that certain Mods handles flaming, closing threads, and enforcing the Forums regulations (i.e. If a User brings alot by the way of tech expertise, software developement etc) I find that certain violations are over looked. You argued during that thread and asked for proof of these disparities that were by many brought to your attention in a civil manner. But you closed the thread when users did not do so. I have found various forms with flaming. and other inuendo being posted toward users and did not see the thread closed. I started to save the Threads for such an occasion as this, but thought better of it and dismiss such as kiddie like and unmeaningfull. I will say this though as I have stated in the past, yes this is a great forum, but we could be a better community collectively if Mods and the Forum Regs were cohesive an functiong on a basic standard operational proceedure. I am sorry you chose to ban the user. didi he break the rules? He probably did. But his arguement had merit and many that were posting in the thread know this as well. Many have moved on like myself, but it does sometimes takes incidents like this for us to realize of much better we can be as a forum community and grow individually as well as collectively.
Unfortunately, you do not have all the facts. Facts that are only shared among other moderators when a decision like banning a user is made.

As patmannyc said, we do not ban left and right, or just because we feel like it. I would be willing to bet we have one of the lowest banning rates as compared to other sites like this one. And even so, we issue temporary bans, and if after the ban the user still doesn't get it, a permanent ban is issued.

The thread you are talking about remained open for a LONG time, we kept asking for feedback on how users felt the forum would be better ran since they were the ones complaining, not one single recommendation was made.

Even after the thread was closed, a statement was made that we were open to feedback, but via PM from now on.

As it was also said before, we are all human, just like you and all the other users, and we may miss something. That's what the Report Post button is for, in case a user feels we may have missed something.

I don't feel because a user provides more tech assistance, has more posts, or has been here longer, he/she gets treated the same. As a matter of fact, these users, usually, know how to behave so they usually don't have actions by moderators taken against them, because there's nothing to take action against.

You say you have/had threads saved to such an occasion like that thread, I feel that's very shady. Why not just send it to a moderator so that it can get fixed? That is what we asked for since the beginning.

And by the way, I just re-read all 9 pages of the thread where you posted back then... there was only 1 link on all those pages where a user felt something was not fair, and I assure it was discussed among mods. You'll have to take my word for it.

Keep this in mind, just because there's flaming in a thread, it does not mean it will be locked. If a thread is actually informative, the flame post will be dealt with so the thread can continue on.

Originally Posted by wldthng842 View Post
I think his point is valid. Certain mods end conversations at different points then others. It is confusing sometimes. Some mods let things slide then another will come and shut it down. If there was only one mod, users could get used to their style and follow it. However given the size of this site that is not possible and some discrepancies are bound to occur. But having an agreement between all mods and admin is crucial for a site this big. Things could be a little more transparent from mod to mod.
It's also not a matter of mods letting arguments reaching a certain point and then taking action. Come on people, we are not online ALL the time... if we catch a thread as soon as it is created, good. But if a mod is not online, and that same thread is created, we can't do anything until we log in and see it... so yes, there may be a discrepancy as to when a thread is closed.

Also, all us mods are different. What I think may be out of control now, another mod may feel it was out of control since the beginning. That is why we discuss A LOT behind scenes.

In the end, I feel all the mods are contributing their time to make this community better. I hate to use this argument, but I thought it was funny when I saw that "how to behave in a forum" video in the Off Topic section... if you don't like how a site is ran, then move on.

Finally, without pointing fingers but pointing them at the same time, has anyone noticed how after a certain disruptive users were dealt with the site went back to no issues? No threads complaining about mods being abusive? Heck, the amount of reported posts even went down. Just pointing it out...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

I understand that you are not all online and that decisions cannot be made instantaneously. Sometimes this allows for a thread to continue longer than it should have. A site this big is going to have issues like this. It is up to the mods to handle it in the best possible way. You all do a good job at keeping things on topic and are not perfect. There is no way to be perfect. That however does not hide that some mods treat things different than others. Site rules and set punishments help keep things fair from mod to mod. I know site rules exist but I obviously have no knowledge of what punishments are. If they are not in place I would suggest making them, if they are, I would advise beefing them up and making sure all mods use them. Mods should be held just as accountable as users are. It is simply an observation I have made over the last month.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by wldthng842 View Post
I understand that you are not all online and that decisions cannot be made instantaneously. Sometimes this allows for a thread to continue longer than it should have. A site this big is going to have issues like this. It is up to the mods to handle it in the best possible way. You all do a good job at keeping things on topic and are not perfect. There is no way to be perfect. That however does not hide that some mods treat things different than others. Site rules and set punishments help keep things fair from mod to mod. I know site rules exist but I obviously have no knowledge of what punishments are. If they are not in place I would suggest making them, if they are, I would advise beefing them up and making sure all mods use them. Mods should be held just as accountable as users are. It is simply an observation I have made over the last month.
You admit that sometimes threads are left open too long. Well, thats part of the problem. If a moderator happens to be on when its not "too long" yet, users think that they closed it too quick, lol. Just the way it is.

Bottom line is if a mod closes a thread, it's within reason. I have rarely seen otherwise. And if you disobey a mod, you should be banned. If you disagree, suck it up, think about it, then get over it. It's not a fight you'll win anyway
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 05:22 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by wldthng842 View Post
Mods should be held just as accountable as users are.
No they should not, they are moderators. Simple as that. They have accountability, of course, but not as much as a "user" has.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 05:34 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by ajk511 View Post
well, not that its any of your business, but we do talk about these kinds of threads and decide, as a group, when/if to close them. The point at which a thread will be closed/deleted really depends on the users contributing to the thread. If there are constantly users interjecting meaningless posts and acting like Trolls (see how to behave on a forum thread in off-topic) then the thread will be closed asap. If the contributors are acting reasonably and not causing problems because of the thread, then we tend to keep it open for discussion.
Take note to highlighted text. What a statement from a MOD. Speaks volumes.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 05:43 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by Goddbody View Post
Take note to highlighted text. What a statement from a MOD. Speaks volumes.
What is done in the moderators area is private and confidential, and he decided to share a piece of that info with you. Feel honored

Probably came out wrong on his post, but I can assure you that's what he meant
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2008, 05:52 PM
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Re: PPCGeeks boycott??

Originally Posted by Pibe38 View Post
Unfortunately, you do not have all the facts. Facts that are only shared among other moderators when a decision like banning a user is made.

As patmannyc said, we do not ban left and right, or just because we feel like it. I would be willing to bet we have one of the lowest banning rates as compared to other sites like this one. And even so, we issue temporary bans, and if after the ban the user still doesn't get it, a permanent ban is issued.

The thread you are talking about remained open for a LONG time, we kept asking for feedback on how users felt the forum would be better ran since they were the ones complaining, not one single recommendation was made.

Even after the thread was closed, a statement was made that we were open to feedback, but via PM from now on.

As it was also said before, we are all human, just like you and all the other users, and we may miss something. That's what the Report Post button is for, in case a user feels we may have missed something.

I don't feel because a user provides more tech assistance, has more posts, or has been here longer, he/she gets treated the same. As a matter of fact, these users, usually, know how to behave so they usually don't have actions by moderators taken against them, because there's nothing to take action against.

You say you have/had threads saved to such an occasion like that thread, I feel that's very shady. Why not just send it to a moderator so that it can get fixed? That is what we asked for since the beginning.

And by the way, I just re-read all 9 pages of the thread where you posted back then... there was only 1 link on all those pages where a user felt something was not fair, and I assure it was discussed among mods. You'll have to take my word for it.

Keep this in mind, just because there's flaming in a thread, it does not mean it will be locked. If a thread is actually informative, the flame post will be dealt with so the thread can continue on.

It's also not a matter of mods letting arguments reaching a certain point and then taking action. Come on people, we are not online ALL the time... if we catch a thread as soon as it is created, good. But if a mod is not online, and that same thread is created, we can't do anything until we log in and see it... so yes, there may be a discrepancy as to when a thread is closed.

Also, all us mods are different. What I think may be out of control now, another mod may feel it was out of control since the beginning. That is why we discuss A LOT behind scenes.

In the end, I feel all the mods are contributing their time to make this community better. I hate to use this argument, but I thought it was funny when I saw that "how to behave in a forum" video in the Off Topic section... if you don't like how a site is ran, then move on.

Finally, without pointing fingers but pointing them at the same time, has anyone noticed how after a certain disruptive users were dealt with the site went back to no issues? No threads complaining about mods being abusive? Heck, the amount of reported posts even went down. Just pointing it out...
If you reread my post I never said that I had saved any threads. I said I started to but thought better of it. Anyway, your arguement today is better and more realistic then doing the thread in question. Yes you are human and Mods make mistakes. When these issues occur then simply say that, Don't try to defend the undefendable with puffed up arrogance like many of the Mods did during the subject thread and like one did in this thread "Not that it is any of your business". That is simply immaturity at best. One true point you made though, if you dont like the way a forum is run then leave. Great point, but what if we all decide to leave? Blank stare! My point here is that you all are not on the same page as far as moderating goes, no matter how many times you try to convince people that things are discussed. I'm too educated and have to many years under my belt to fall for that one.
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