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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 11:30 AM
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Changes To PPC News Forum

In the coming days we will be making changes to the PPC News forum.

Since we have our news blog (www.ppcgeeks.com), we need to encourage more users to use the comment system for news stories, rather than starting a thread with the exact same topic in the forums and discussing it there.

If we want to become a well-respected news source and have companies come to us for leaks and exclusives, we need to have more interaction with the news articles.

98% of our visitors just browse the forums while only 2% go to the homepage.

Most of our news articles average 2-10 comments and occasionally peaking at 20-30. The same articles can get pages of comments in the forums.

So, in order to change this and encourage posting comments on the homepage, we will be closing the PPC News forum and only allowing staff (admins/mods/news writers) to create threads. These threads will link to the news story on our homepage and the thread will be closed. Further discussion on the story will be on the homepage using the comments system.

Then, we will create a subforum for user-submitted articles and rumors. Any forum member is more than welcome to write up a complete story and post it in that forum, then a member of the staff will review it and post it to the homepage, giving the original writer credit for the article.

If you have a rumor, you can also post it in this forum and someone can write it into an article.

Once these stories have been posted to the homepage, the thread will be closed and moved to the PPC News forum.

There will also be a subforum link to the News Tip contact forum if you want to submit an anonymous news tip to the staff.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 11:32 AM
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Re: Changes To PPC News Forum

Being a major news member and host of the PPCGP, i support this. The idea is that we will take your rumors, confirm them, and then write them up into very readable articles with reference to you for finding them.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: Changes To PPC News Forum

That sounds like an excellent and well thought out way to create user participation!
I'm constantly impressed with the website's direction and committment to this. Thanks Frost.
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