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Old 07-11-2009, 07:38 PM
fthorsby's Avatar
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Saga Issues - Network Connection Problems.

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem with their Saga. I ordered one new last week from V, it arrived the next day, a nice looking phone I thought. I twas somewhat thinner and lighter than my current Sch-i760.

However, when I tried to connect to the internet via IE or Opera, I would continually get an error that the phone could not connect to the network, and gave a DNS error. I set-up my email, through my own email server and it could not connect to that either.

I was on the phone with tech support for over and hour and they decided there was something wrong with the phone. I sent it back, got a new one and was immediately (after activation) able to get on the internet. I set-up my email, no problem. The next, no browsing, getting the same network connection error. My email would not connect except through wi-fi.
It never did work again. I switched back to the sch-i760, trying to decide what to do. Has anyone else heard of such a problem? Possibly, I'm in a bad area (Central Michigan), but everything works fine on my current phone. Any ideas?

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