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Old 10-10-2009, 02:43 AM
jasontammy's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung Omnia i910 (Verizon)
Carrier: The big VZ
Location: Indiana
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Font issues

I love the new neo 3.2 ROM from BGill55...but I have a problem....the text size on the "home" screen is so large that I can only fit my name (Jason) with the personalizer program, and the date wont display the year, just the day and month...screenshot will reflect this. Is there ANY way you all can help me DEcrease the font size for the "home" screen only? The rest of the fonts on menus and such are fine...just for date and carrier name areas are all want changed. How do I do this. I have tried using INGfontchanger, but it doesnt even touch the home screen. It does change the soft buttons at the bottom, but nothing else. PLEASE HELP!!
JasonM...IS becoming...NO, IS a Flashaholic!!!=D>
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