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Old 09-28-2009, 02:23 AM
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Question Windows Media Player


I have my storage on my omnia full with music (well almost its around 7.5gb)
and when i listen to the music on windows media player is "buffers" my song. i hate having to go through this!! especially when working out. i was wondering if here was anything i could do to fix this problem.
any help much appreciated
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Old 09-28-2009, 02:56 AM
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Re: Windows Media Player

Maybe you have something else running that is interfering with WMP. Make sure other apps are closed/stopped. You could try a diff media player like S2P or Coreplayer and see if they work better. You might try relocating some of your songs from your storage card to main device memory and see if that helps.
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:44 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; Windows CE; Opera Mobi/9.5; U; en) VZW:SCH-i910 PPC 240x400)

For working out I'd use s2p with s2u2, that way there's no buffering and no accidental pauses or song changes. I have like 6 gigs and s2p never buffers. It has a nice interface and with s2u2 you can change songs while locked.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: Windows Media Player

I would just ditch WMP because it's so ridiculously outdated. Any of the aforementioned media players are good and Kinoma FreePlay is also a good choice, though I personally don't like S2 apps because they seem slower and they try to imitate the iPhone (if I wanted an iPhone, I would have bought one instead of the Omnia!)
The one I've tried out in the past and using right now is Nitrogen. It's free and very lightweight/fast, plus it's skinnable and has plugin support in addition to being downright easy to use. The only problem you may have is that there is no library support so your music must be organized into folders sorted by artist or album (or whichever method you prefer). Another suggestion for videos for replacing WMP is Tcpmp Phenom 3, which doesn't have a great UI but has good playback performance.
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