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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 10:49 PM
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Omnia Radio Rom?

A friend and I were in a store a while ago, and I asked him to help me with a test, as I made a call from a known dead spot location in the store, which previously, would not support a call on *any* phone I had tried in the past. I was already getting about 10db better signal with my new radio rom, and I wanted to see if it could sustain the call for more than a few seconds if it could even connect in the first place. To my surprise, it not only connected instantly, and held the call for a couple minutes (till we hung up) with no problem, but it was crystal clear, and didn't even break up at all, on either end of the call.

I explained to my friend I was testing a new radio for my phone, and how much of a difference it had made in signal strength, as well as battery life, and he was pretty excited to get an updated radio for his Omnia.

I told him I would see if I could find one for him, and now, after having looked around the Omnia forums, and on the web, for over 2 hours, I have not been able to find one.

So, I'm wondering, do they have to be cooked into the rom on an Omnia or something? Or has Samsung just not even released any updates, or what?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: Omnia Radio Rom?

Originally Posted by MACE View Post
A friend and I were in a store a while ago, and I asked him to help me with a test, as I made a call from a known dead spot location in the store, which previously, would not support a call on *any* phone I had tried in the past. I was already getting about 10db better signal with my new radio rom, and I wanted to see if it could sustain the call for more than a few seconds if it could even connect in the first place. To my surprise, it not only connected instantly, and held the call for a couple minutes (till we hung up) with no problem, but it was crystal clear, and didn't even break up at all, on either end of the call.

I explained to my friend I was testing a new radio for my phone, and how much of a difference it had made in signal strength, as well as battery life, and he was pretty excited to get an updated radio for his Omnia.

I told him I would see if I could find one for him, and now, after having looked around the Omnia forums, and on the web, for over 2 hours, I have not been able to find one.

So, I'm wondering, do they have to be cooked into the rom on an Omnia or something? Or has Samsung just not even released any updates, or what?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Omnia does not have the support that HTC devices do. So far we have only received one update for our Omnia from Verizon. Sprint doesn't carry it. So there is only the radios from the orginal ROM, which no one has in a full image, and the CF03 ROM. To my knowledge no one has been able to separate the radio from the rest of the ROM to supply just that.

I would imagine that it is possible to use UMDL and flash just the radio from the setup in UMDL. Since we only have one radio though it won't do much good. Unless, of course, your friends phone is not updated to the CF03 ROM.
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: Omnia Radio Rom?

Hey, thanks for the quick response, and info.

I don't know what version he has running on his phone, he may not have updated it cause he has it customized atm, and also is using Cricket as well, and may be afraid to update it with the most current Verizon rom for fear of messing up his NAM programming (he has had some trouble getting everything working properly with cricket in the first place)

I will see him tomorrow, I'll try to find out what version of the Omnia rom he has on it right now, its possible he might be able to benefit from updating just the radio.

Thanks again
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: Omnia Radio Rom?

BlazingWolf- There is a thread showing how to tweak the NV radio on the Touch Pro using QPST. Wouldn't it be possible to do something similar on the Omnia? I'm not sure where to start or I'd take the chance with mine and give it a shot.

I've been with VZW since before it was VZW here (PacTel changed name to AirTouch and then got bought out by VZW) and I've stayed with them because they still have the best coverage here in Qualcomm's back yard. I'm a contractor and always on the move, so I've got to have dependable service. On one property my partner gets two+ bars and can make calls from anywhere on the property with his EnV Touch while I have to stand in one spot in the middle of the driveway! I love my Omnia but if I can't do something about this fast I'm going to have to start rattling Big Z's cage and get them to replace my phone.
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