Questions about FK2
So I've been using FingerKeyboard 2 (with Omega Ra's skin) and really like it. However, I wanted to play around with creating a new skin and had a couple of questions.
First, I want to create a new skin for it but want to keep the other one as well. I know you can modify the appropriate file and replace the english skin, but is there a way to add a new skin that you can switch between? For example, if I use multiple languages I can hit the switch button to go between the keyboards. Is there something like that to enable switching between skins easily or do I have to overwrite the file any time I want to switch?
Second, my idea for the skin is to make double letter keys. For example, right now the "q" key can also type a "1" if you hold it. I wanted to try to make a skin that would type a "q" or a "w" if held (that's just an example...I would actually try to make it more optimal based on frequency of letters). The question is whether or not that is even possible. I haven't gone far enough into the skin file to see if this is something that will work or if only custom letters (e.g. ".com") or numbers can be the secondary values for a key.
Thanks for any help.
Matthew Zimmer
Samsung Omnia i910 - Lioryte's 28232