Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
You didn't mention if you did the following or not:
Did you remember to go into Settings -> Personal -> Phone -> Services tab -> Gps, then click CHange Setting and change to 'Location On'? If not, do so and reboot |
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
and to clarify what I mean about what Google is doing.. ![]() |
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
been out on the deck, where I know I can get a lock, and nada, not even with Bing.
going to reflash, and test it before installing anything else. |
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
If you have flashed to CF03, and as long as GPS is set to Location On, Google Maps is set to COM 8 baud 57600, and 'Use GPS' is checked in the Google Maps menu, then you should be able to get a lock within a few minutes at most
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
ok, re-flashed to stock CF03, installed gmaps, got a lock in under 5 minutes., Bing tracking as well.
now Flashing Adrynalyne's 6.1/CF03 and will try again. funny, I have never messed with the samsung widgets.. I actually like the weatherbug one. too bad their today screen plugin doesn't look as nice. |
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
so far so good!
Flashing Adrynalyne's 6.1/CF03 up and running, and most of my apps installed and everything seems good so far! |
Re: reflashed and now GPS won't lock
I am having the exact same problem (error message and all) with GMaps. However, Bing and Garmin Mobile XT works fine though. Strange. |
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