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Old 07-07-2009, 07:41 PM
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Couple quick questions...

I'm about *this* close to getting an Omnia to replace my dead HTC Titan... it's between that and the HTC Touch Diamond. Both phones have things that really bother me - with the Omnia, it's the proprietary charger and USB connectors. Like, seriously, who the F*(& doesn't make phones that use STANDARD Mini-USB ports for sync *and* charging anymore??

Unfortunately, the Diamond has other issues that bug me more: lack of microSD slot (JUST got an 8GB card like a month ago), smaller screen (although the full VGA is tempting), and reportedly way poorer battery life.

I do like the Omni's bigger screen, thinner form factor, and am hoping that since it uses something other than the Qualcomm chip the HTCs are based on, it might actually work with Skype, and Resco Recorder for recording calls.

So anyway, before I make a mistake in my choice here:

1. CAN the Omnia charge via its sync cable? I have two different car adapters already that have USB-A ports, so I could just plug the Omnia's sync cable into that for charging, or into my laptop's USB for charging. I really don't want to have to replace ANOTHER car charger... not to mention needing a second sync cable to pack with my laptop (I don't like having to carry the damn cable WITH the phone).

2. I've read a lot about Verizon's Omnia having the GPS locked to only work with their nav app... does anyone know if this is also the case with Telus's i910 version? I have several different GPS apps I use, including some I've paid for, that I'd hate to lose the use of.

3. Anything else I should be aware of that may potentially drive me batty within three days of buying this phone?

Unfortunately Telus's offerings are really slim for smartphones, unless I want a Crackberry (not). The only phone that really has everything I want is the Touch Pro, but that will run me $150 more than the Omnia, something I can't really afford at this point (heck, I can't even afford THIS!)
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 07:52 PM
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Re: Couple quick questions...

Well i went from the HTC 6800 to the 6850 (touch pro) to the omnia. heres the good and bad.

Unless you need hardware acceleration my Omnia SMOKES the touch pro i had. No keyboard bloody hell sucks, but i got used to it.

As for the USB cables... im not aloud to cuss here, so ill just say you cant use the USB charger on a standard USB outlet device (IE the item in your car or say the wall piece for a Jawbone charger). However you can use it to charge with any computer without drivers by just switching it to USB mode (makes it act as a thumb drive).

I was fairly attached to my 6800, and have honestly done a pretty good job of making this device act very much like that did with bonus's. PM me if you decide to go with the omnia and have any issues emulating something your used to now
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: Couple quick questions...

1: yes it can be charged by the usb cable just a lot slower through a computer since they dont supply a lot of power through usb

2. The stock omnia's gps it locked from verizon but loading the leacked cc20 image will unlock it... i dont know it telus has unlocked gps yet

3. there can always be things i just cant think of any right now
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Old 07-07-2009, 08:11 PM
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Re: Couple quick questions...

Hey...Telus Omnia user here.

The GPS is unlocked, ...I use GoogleMaps with no problems.

Unfortunately we can't flash any of the new ROMs available yet because Telus and Bell use something different than Verizon (I'm no techie...just going on what I've read here)

If there was a way to dump most of the crap that comes loaded on the Telus Omnia, ...it would ROCK!,... aside from that, ...I'm quite happy with mine.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 03:16 PM
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Re: Couple quick questions...

"If there was a way to dump most of the crap that comes loaded on the Telus Omnia, ...it would ROCK!"

+1, Bell user here waiting on a stripped Rom to released!
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