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Old 06-11-2009, 04:27 PM
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Question Wanted: Original omonia (i910) ROM with GPS

I do not want to flash my omnia, but I want to enable gps and it seems the only way is to flash it. If that is the case then I'm willing to flash it. All I want is a rom with the original factory rom but with GPs enbled. Please show me how and include acurrate instructions and acurrate files that are virus free and something that will not mess up my phone. I would also like to to know if these roms are bug free and how these roms will affect my phone!
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:30 PM
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Re: Wanted: Original omonia (i910) ROM with GPS

No rom is bug free, and the only way you can get the gps unlocked is by flashing it.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: Wanted: Original omonia (i910) ROM with GPS

Originally Posted by vrzsuxppcrocks View Post
I do not want to flash my omnia, but I want to enable gps and it seems the only way is to flash it. If that is the case then I'm willing to flash it. All I want is a rom with the original factory rom but with GPs enbled. Please show me how and include acurrate instructions and acurrate files that are virus free and something that will not mess up my phone. I would also like to to know if these roms are bug free and how these roms will affect my phone!
There is no such thing as the original factory ROM (the ROM that came with the phone) that has GPS enabled.

There is, however, a ROM update made by Samsung that was supposedly tested by Verizon, and then abandoned by Verizon when they decided to work on a newer version of said ROM. That first ROM was leaked out onto the internet back in April and has been tested and used to unlock GPS by hundreds, if not thousands, of Omnia users.

You can find this ROM, as well as the information on how to flash to it here: http://www.modaco.com/content/i910-s...or-omnia-i910/

Be ye warned: This is for the Verizon i910 only and does carry a small chance of bricking your phone. This is unlikely and most users who have flashed to this ROM have had great success. Just make sure you follow the instructions EXACTLY and you shouldn't have a problem.

Happy flashing

Last edited by Eschelon; 06-12-2009 at 01:22 AM.
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