Originally Posted by Geekcop
There's also ppckitchen.org, but I'm not sure if it can be used for the Omnia. BTW, how are you liking the Omnia? I'm entertaining a replacement for my aging 700WX (on VZW)
Yea I already looked there, currently they don't support the Omnia, but I emailed them to see if they plan on support anytime soon, as soon as i know about that I'll tell you.
I'm loving the omnia. The only problem that I have is that I have a bit of a physical keyboard attachment, so its a little hard getting used to the whole typing on screen thing, but it does accommodate my big fingers pretty well in the xt9 mode which guesses the best selection of letters to form a word.
Yea I had a 700wx, and I gotta say, no offense to any of you palm people out there, but the palms kinda suck as phones, and PDAs for that matter.
My favorite was my 6700, but it was time to upgrade to VZW, because sprint didn't work where I'm headed to college, so i figured I'd get a better phone while im at it.