I need a Registry Expert...I think
I need some (in my opinion) major help. All of a sudden I cannot change my message settings. I will try my best to explain exactly what is happening.
Often I like to change my sync times with my gmail account depending on specific needs. I do this as I assume anyone does by opening my email folder, going to menu, tools, Options, and then clicking on gmail. This brings up options to change my settings. Well today I go to to the above process and when I click on gmail nothing happens...nothing . So I tried the other options listed to see if they worked. Both text messages, and outlook e-mail bring up the options screen where GMail and New Account do absolutly nothing.
So I ran through anything that I have installed in the last day or so (last time I changed my email settings)...I unistalled all of these things and did several soft resets and I still have the same issue. I ran every check using SK Tools that I possibly could, etc. Still the same issue. Below is what I installed
1. SPB Mobile Shell 3.0
2. SPB Weather (newest one on their site)
3. .net 3.5 Update (changed the registry value to 1)
4. Uninstalled the older version of .net
5. Changed my scroll bars to be more finger friendly
6. WQVGA Pro Widget Pack from XDA
As I said prior I unistalled everything here even .net and re-installed it.
I really don't want to do a hard reset. It looks like it's some sort of mapping issue. If anyone can please help me it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You in Advance
Last edited by jester2043; 04-25-2009 at 09:50 PM.