Need help disabling SMS Sent notification
I recently tried a few contact managers / dialers but none of them were really what I was looking for. So, I uninstalled them, but now I am getting the SMS Sent notifications again. I used Resco Explorer to go in to my registry and adjust the value to disable it, but the key isn't there. I'm not a registry expert, so I wanted to make sure I am doing this correctly. Can someone confirm that this is what I need to do?
When I go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings there is only one key there. It says (Default) - (value not set). According to the tweak, there should be a key at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMs g g=1 to disable the popup notification (and g=0 to enable it). But, I do not have anything that says SMSNoSentMsg. So, I apparently need to add it. But, is it a key or a DWORD value or what? I'm not exactly sure what to add.
Any suggestions?
Don't have a phone backup program? GET ONE! Even if you don't mess with registry edits or custom ROMs, even a simple installation can really mess up your phone. Trust me!