Re: Dialer Skins, Post Them Here.
Does anyone know why the entire right side of the dialer won't show up? I'm using Adryn's 1.4.1 ROM and activated the samsung dialer, but when I downloaded Tiki's CAB, everything shows except the back space, phone log, etc, all the R sided buttons are blank. It's that way for all of the Samsung dialer themes I download.
Re: Dialer Skins, Post Them Here.
i might venture into trying to make a dialer tonight(if i'm not 2 busy playing ff7 on the ps3) but if anyone can beet me 2 it i would love to see a FF7 dialer. nice work to everyone that has made one so far
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Re: Dialer Skins, Post Them Here.
hey tiki you think you can make a samsung dialer out of this
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Re: Dialer Skins, Post Them Here.
Hi, all
I hope Saloei and 3nrico don't mind, but I combined some of their work (from Samsung-Omna.org). Specifically, I combined some designs from "Colorful Phone Dial Numbers" buttons, originally posted by Saloei on Samsung-Omnia.org, and a PhonEx Theme, originally posted by 3nrico ("mixed_eng" skin). The originals can be seen here.. http://www.samsung-omnia.org/ring-to...th-background/ I was just having way too many problems with PhonEx on my Samsung Omnia i910 (because I also have S2U2.. compatibility problems with PhonEx). So, to skin my Samsung Dialer instead, I combined some of their different designs, as well as borrowing a couple of buttons from Tiki Dragyn here on this site. Hope everyone likes. Here's the ZIPs.. I didn't bother making Landscape buttons, or Progress buttons. Just "button_number.bmp" and "dialer_bg.jpg". Too much work, and I only use Portrait view, anyway. But, I'll post some different backgrounds I got on Gimp. I'll also post some screen shots after this post.. button_number.bmp dialer_bg |
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