Startmenu background
I have a big problem with my startmenu background
i have try to make a custom .tsk with themegence and it looks good
the only thing is that my startmenu background is the same like my today background (the orginal .tsk is the same)
then i tried to make a registry entry that should make my startmenu background how i like it but failed.
it looks so:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:M SStart
BKBitmapFile = \windows\stwater.gif
BKBitmapTransparent = dword:16711935
BKFlags = dword:26
GridView = dword:1
The registry entry :MSStart dont exist on my omnia(i make this entry)
no matter what i do nothing works
have i forget a registry entry?
give it an other option?(without using tools)
or have i made a mistake in themegence?
i have a german i900