Originally Posted by x51
I have 3 questions.
1) The omnia says it has 256mb of flash, and i expect to have less than that available to me, but less than 90mb? less than half? I know this is just how it is but can someone tell me why? What is the rest used for?
My Titan has 256mb of flash, but has 170mb of it available.
2) Is there a way to make the battery show in 1% increments? I tried nuetools for the 1% fix, but no good.
3) Some programs like spb phone suite can not read the carrier info. Instead of Verzon wireless it displays Service unavailable? Is this fixable? This is not major.
Check out the Omnia Problems and solutions thread that is stickied up top...
There is no solution or Hack for the 1% battery increment thing yet...
The Rom, I don't have an explanation there maybe one in other threads...
Spb Phone suite, along with some other phone dialer software have this issue...
Please Search before posting a new thread many if not all of ur questions have been addressed in another thread...