Originally Posted by waly01
Hey guys,
I've been having trouble trying to get the low battery warning to stop. I use resco reg edit and I think i've followed the instructions in the stickied hack thread correctly. I actually think I ended up using the import file that was attached there. I get the low battery warning option under my notifications and when i uncheck all the options, I still get the warning noise. Anyone have any ideas as to why?
Thanks in advance.
Hate to bring up an old problem again, but I was messing around in the registry for WM6.5 and came upon a registry key that was different from the notification hack mentioned. Specifically, at HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\BattLow\Alert there were a number of settings. I seem to remember the original hack just turning on the ability to set the notification flag. Has anybody played with settings here to see what they do and if they turn of that stupid 40% beep? I'm wondering if this is something new in 6.5 that we can actually control. Thanks.