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Old 01-07-2009, 01:11 AM
dopepope's Avatar
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Digital Frame questions

One feature that I really like for some reason is the digital frame, and I think it would make a great 'screen saver' for the phone when its being charged. Right now I have it set up so I just push the camera button and the program starts. The problem is that it never starts going through the slides automatically, you have tell it to start and to go into full screen. I was wondering if there was a way to make this program just start up without me having to do much other than push the hotkey button (or if there was a way to make it start up on its own when the phone is inactive...) Thanks for any help!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2011, 08:06 PM
crawln4ward's Avatar
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Re: Digital Frame questions

Want to be able to use this app when the phone is in the cradle. Seems like someone (not me!) would know a little about the guts of this rather neat program. What I'm looking for are edits/modifications for the app...even if they are registry centric. Would like:
1) Edit the startup such that the orientation is 180 degrees rotated. This way the phone can be in the cradle charging and the display right-side-up instead of upside down.
2) Can a file be used to pass startup parameters to Digital Frame and then associated with a custom shortcut...this would make the program a "one touch"-n-go proposition for the phone.
3) Anyone know the developer(s) and how to contact them?

Thanks in advance. Been trolling this site for GREAT info associated with the Omnia since I got it...many kudos to too many to list.
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