Originally Posted by UnstoppableDrew
How hard is Spb MobileShell to really customize ? Way back when I first started tweaking my XV6700 I bought Wisbar Advanced & Advanced Desktop because of all the cool today screens people were posting. Despite being pretty technical, I NEVER figured out that damn program. The docs sucked, and I eventually gave up and went with the WM6.1 today from one of the kitchens. I'm finding the Today 2 really not meeting my needs so I'm looking for something I can really do my own thing with.
It's totally customizable (I'm talking about MobileShell 3 here). You get 3 "Lifestyle" pages you can work with by default. I think I read somewhere that people have been able to add more but I may have just been dreaming or something.

You can access each screen by a simple finger swipe across your screen. Anyhow, it allows you to add any app you have as a widget to your screen. It'll have a default setting, I usually clear all that's on the screen first then build it back up. I love it. I totally recommend checking it out.