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Old 01-01-2009, 05:16 PM
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Omnia vs. Iphone

I hate to say it, but this phone is not by any means an Iphone killer.
Yesterday, (after 3 weeks of playing around with it) I returned my Omnia and got an Iphone instead.

I can't tell you how happy I am that I did. I am not writing this thread to gloat, but instead to voice that I really think that Samsung dropped the ball on this device.

Stylus - It's a phone after all, and I shouldnt need a little pen or tiny little fingers to use it. Having a pen tied to the phone is also pretty 'feminine' looking.

Apps and Games - I have been playing with my Iphone all day today (instead of trying to hack it to be more like the iphone). The caliber and selection of apps and games are incredible. Many are free or.99 cents. Many games are put together by lagitimate game studios which also make full use of the accelerometer and the iphone's bigger and more sensitive touch screen.

Even apps that work on both phones, work much better abd faster on the iphone - I downloaded the hacked Shazam from Cingular onto the Omnia.
I showed the working 'Shazam on the Omnia' to my brother in law who already has an iphone. I about crapped my pants when I saw how much better the app worked and looked on his iphone.

Google Maps - I know Verizon will be opening up the ports of the GPS so other apps can use it, but I promise, it wont work any where near as smoothly on the apple device.

Exchange - Since I am a business person, I have to say that the Exchange application on the Iphone is also much better. Its more intuirive and much more accessible (especially because stylus isnt required)

On screen Keyboard - Don't get me started. Samsung's keyboard is horrible.
The autocorrect feature (which I was unable to turn off) made me want to throw the thing through the window.

The Phone itself anf the phone lock- The phone lock on the Omnia is the worst thing ever. If your calling your answering machine from the Omnia, you need to take your phone away from your ear to enter numbers and you have to first unlock the phone, and Then select 'keypad'.
Caomparitively - The on-screen 'slider animation' to unlock the iphone is way cooler. When you take the phone away from your ear, the display intuitively lights up and prompts you if you would like to enter numbers or end the call.

Phone hacking - If you still want to have fun hacking, you can 'jailbreak' the iphone for 3rd party apps and so on.

Lastly, the Camera - Omnia's higher resolution camera and the camera application for that matter is better.(but the Omnia's flash was pretty useless)

In summary, the omnia has a good camera, but as a mutlimedia device, the iphone takes it by a longshot.

Just my 2 cents. Any comments are welcome.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 02:43 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Hey did you happen to get it from Walmart also , JK ? Being the Iphone has been out for how long now i would hope that all it's apps and such should be cheap. I will agree that the stylus is crap but come on how hard is it really to use your fingers i have no problems but that's just me i guess. In all i bet if you give the Omnia another year if it's even around, there will be just as many apps and fixes for the small complaints you have. I mean it's taken apple this long to fix the Iphone. I have had 2 Iphone's and would never own another, But congrats on finding something that makes you happy.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 03:28 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Hey doseman.. Thanks for your input on the differences in the iphone and omnia. Me personally, I have had the htc touch for a year now and let me tell you, its been fun being able to add apps at will and being able to make all sorts of changes... freely. But the main reasons I got the touch was because :1) When the iphone first came out, it was a lot of talk about how crappy the service was but now improved since then, 2) I've been with sprint so long that its all I know as far as mobile providers goes and I didn't want to leave them for at&t, 3) I like the $99 everything plan from sprint. Recently a friend of mine went out and bought the iphone 3g and let me tell you.. I LUV IT. I feel so played now that I've actually had a chance to play around with one more(other than in an att store). So now I plan to give it all up with sprint and go get an iphone 3g. I do realize what I'll be giving up as far as plans goes and adding apps at will, but I'll get over it. Sorry to make this so long but you've really helped to clarify my decision to get the iphone 3g. So thanks for your input and I hope to come back and share some iphone stories with you and all whom is interested. Happy New Year To All
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Why would the Omnia need to be an "iPhone killer"? To me, it's silly to compare phones like this. Either one works well for you, or it doesn't. If it doesn't, get one that does. Also, this really should be in the Phone Comparison forum.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

No need to double-post.
If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
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