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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 06:00 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

They tried to force me to get a data plan with my 6700. I new I didn't though. And I told them off. But, like the poster above said, about a month ago they made a new policy to where any phones which were released after that will require a data plan for normal users, government employes don't. My buddie who is a mail man doesn't have it on his wife's Omnia.

Also, people think if they try and activate an old phone they will have to add it an no, that's not true. The system can seperate which phone will need it. I am proof as I have activated my replacment 6800s and not changed my plan at all.
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Old 12-30-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

PDAPhoneJunkie is correct, older PPCs do not require data plans! I asked in the store the second I learned about this new policy because I wanted to setup and give my Daughter my 700wx to use, but didn't want to waste money on a data plan for her. They told me right then that older devices do not need data plans, only the devices released since the Samsing Saga.

  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

It looks like both of you were given incorrect information.

All phones since Nov. 15th, new contracts and upgrading contracts will require unlimited data plans to operate on the Verizon network.

The exception is:
All previous customers that were on a previous contract with that ESN will not have to have unlimited data charges on their account for that device.

So to be clear, and without any confusion, it is not limited to the device. It depends if that device was ever active on that account by that person.

So, if I found a XV6700 on ebay and decided to start service with Verizon I would have to pay for an unlimited data plan. If I had the xv6700 previously and have not changed my plan or I am still under a previous contract I will not have to pay unlimited data charges. But, you will have to pay what the data charges were at that time. Which is $15.32/MB.

Once you sign a contract, you are bound not only by the guidelines of the contract, but the terms and conditions set forth at that time. Now the flip side is that they WILL NOT BLOCK DATA. It doesn't matter what plan you have they WILL NOT BLOCK DATA ANYMORE. The customers that have the block already will continue to have the block until they request it taken off or their device changes.

Now this doesn't affect a lot of customers, just a small percentage. Most customers that have any pda have the data plan already. But this will be less of a factor in 2009 when LTE comes out for Verizon, and 2010 when all those contracts are gone anyway.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

Well why would anyone purchase a PDA phone in the first place and not want a data plan? That's the whole purpose. If you don't want data get a regular phone.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

Why get a Omnia without data. Yes the data is amazing, but the Omnia is plain amazing without it as well. Try going back to a flip phone after you've used a ppc for three years. It's NOT easy. Plus I have wifi both at home as well as work and I don't really need to access data while I drive between them. SO YES, there is justification to want the Omnia, even without the data plan.
For anyone thinking they got the Verizon Omnia without a data plan... the surprise will be on you. I've tried for over an hour to deal with this. And they absolutely will not budge on that. Now, I hear those that don't care, and I wish I was as fortunate as you to spend that extra money. But the economy has hurt my business to the point that I can't afford it. So the part that I feel is not ethical is that they sign you up without telling you about the data requirement. (Yes, I must have had a $#!%& salesperson as well) And the fact that I've had a pda phone for three years already without data, xv6700.
So depending on if negotiations go well with my wife and we decide that we can squeeze something else out, I may be able to keep the phone and the small data plan AND MY RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS FORUM. Because I keep telling her that no one deserves a flip phone, NO ONEEEEE!!!!!! I've got till the 7th of Jan. to turn the phone back if I choose "no data" service. OK Pray for me.

Last edited by iclickjohn; 12-31-2008 at 12:58 PM.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

Good luck iclickjohn....I know what you mean about using wi-fi, I am in the same boat...90% of the places I actually use data have a wi-fi network setup, but that is also the reason VZW and others are doing this!! The majority of new devices (if not....all) now have wi-fi capabilities, so the old days of the providers relying on the data plans being our only means of attaining internet on our devices is over!!!! The only way they can assure that we use their product is to mandate data plans on smartphones/PPCs!!!

I agree it stinks, and they don't advertize these things nearly as much as they should!! They put a blurb on the internet and assume that we all know about it the next time we walk in the store!! I was paying the higher price for data for a while before a very cool clerk I talk to all the time told me about it and made the adjustment.

As iclickjohn mentioned as well the economic crunch is killing all of us, so I wish the best of luck to all PPC users faced with not getting the device they WANT because the monthly charges to USE it are too high!!!!
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

Yeah that is kinda why Sprint went the WiMax route. Why go the cellular route when you can implement VoIP for cellular?

But getting back to the topic at hand, you may not think that you use data or that you don't need data, but you do for those devices.

Data is provisioned and is a constant by the cell tower that you are currently on. Now when you travel around the city, or across the nation, your data profile roams accordingly. The difference between data and voice is that it is in a state of constant activity. You may not think that you use data because you don't do email, or receive picture or text messages, but the data will add up. In most cases Verizon gives you the first megabyte free so that you are not paying for data transfer for roaming profiles.

But buying a pda without data plan is like buying a ferrari and never driving. Never even putting gas in it. It is just a waste of money. Now later this year, and into 2010 when LTE is made available you won't have a choice. LTE will encompass true 3G/4G voice and data.

Everything will use data, doesn't matter what you do. This is just a theory, but they probably won't bill in minutes anymore. It will just be data. But that is just a theory...
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:44 AM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

what if i bought an omnia on ebay without a contract, would they make me pay for the data plan when i activate it? all im interested in is the wifi
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:37 AM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

Required data plan. No exceptions for the Omnia.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: Verizon forcing data plan on Omnia

I picked up my Omnia late November, and told the rep that I wanted the unlimited e-mail and web plan for 29.99. Otherwise I would not have been given the data plan.

Can anyone advise me on whether or not the data plan I have covers unlimited downloads, unlimited streaming (pandora), or is there a charge for downloading? My bill shows unlimited kb, but I have a charge for 1 download and it is showing under a mb charge.

And yes I'm talking about Verizon.
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