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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2008, 12:24 PM
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Question .:Verizon Samsung Omnia Possible On Sprint Network!!???:.

*dont flame me either if this has been answered because i just spent the last half hour searching with no luck. . .seen it asked before but what i have read was never answered.*

Anyways on to my thread. . .

ok guys i know this is a dumb question and im pretty sure i know the answer but im hoping someone could prove me wrong and tell me it is possible!?

If i bought the Verizon Samsung Omnia off of like ebay could I some how activate it on my Sprint account? Is it possible. Do i just call them and give them the esn and thats it? Or do I have to flash the phone to a sprint rom.

Reason why im asking because i know some people have activated regular sprint phones on boost unlimited for example. Even thought there not suppose to work or activate but they do. Not sure if its because it doesnt show the type of phone on there system as long as the esn is clean it would go through. Im wondering if the same is for a Verizon phone on to Sprint?

Another reason why I ask is because im really interested in the samsung omnia and want it and am thinking about leaveing Sprint for the phone being that im no longer in contract im thinking about trying new companys and new phones. See whats out there thats offered. The only thing is by moving to verizon I would be leaveing an very good plan I have with sprint. Its an free incoming 500 plan with many perks. So if I could some how get the verizon omnia activated on my sprint account with no problems and have everything work besides obvious lil things like sprint tv but data and messageing and voice and voice mail work than ill be happy.

Also I hear that there was something like an law or something p***** or is going to pass that makes phone open for any carrier you want. Like how GSM phones are. Of course I know the downfall is if i lose it or break the phone I cant claim insurance but im find with that.

So yes anyone have any knowledge on if its possible and if so how do I do it? certain department I have to call or something or can i do it online? and please if you say its not possible dont just say its not possible and try to flame me. Please give an reason why not besides the obvious if its not sprint branded they wont activate it.

All help would be appreciated to help keep me around with Sprint because if not honestly Sprint does have an possible chance of losing another customer to Verizon.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 02:28 AM
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Re: .:Verizon Samsung Omnia Possible On Sprint Network!!???:.

Negative. You will not be able to do it. With the scenario mentioned about using a Sprint phone on a Boost Unlimited plan, you forgot one key component. Boost is a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). That means that Boost is a cellular company that operates off of another cellular carriers existing wireless network. So Boost operates off of the Sprint Network. So the programming rules would thereby be the same as long as hardware qualifications are met.

Getting back to your initial question. Verizon tags all of the ESN's (hex and decimal) for all their devices. They don't use a MSL so to speak. MSL (Master Subsidy Lock). A MSL is a 6 digit code that identifies a piece of hardware on a cellular network. Sprint uses MSL codes to authenticate devices whereas Verizon does not. Verizon uses the device ESN and an authentication key to identify devices on their cellular network. In order to get it to work you would have to ask Sprint to load their version of software and register the device on their network so that they could generate a MSL for the device so it can be activated.

You know that is not going to happen, so I would switch to Verizon or wait until they get a version of the Omnia. I think Verizon has exclusivity for 6 months. So there is a good chance that Sprint will get it. The only company that authenticates devices like Sprint is Alltel. And the Alltel acquisition should be finalized and completed sometime around June.

So I would just evaluate the carriers. Verizon has an option if you have your own equipment, your contract is optional. THat might be worth looking into.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 09:15 AM
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Re: .:Verizon Samsung Omnia Possible On Sprint Network!!???:.

Originally Posted by manofhonor24 View Post
Negative. You will not be able to do it. With the scenario mentioned about using a Sprint phone on a Boost Unlimited plan, you forgot one key component. Boost is a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). That means that Boost is a cellular company that operates off of another cellular carriers existing wireless network. So Boost operates off of the Sprint Network. So the programming rules would thereby be the same as long as hardware qualifications are met.

Getting back to your initial question. Verizon tags all of the ESN's (hex and decimal) for all their devices. They don't use a MSL so to speak. MSL (Master Subsidy Lock). A MSL is a 6 digit code that identifies a piece of hardware on a cellular network. Sprint uses MSL codes to authenticate devices whereas Verizon does not. Verizon uses the device ESN and an authentication key to identify devices on their cellular network. In order to get it to work you would have to ask Sprint to load their version of software and register the device on their network so that they could generate a MSL for the device so it can be activated.

You know that is not going to happen, so I would switch to Verizon or wait until they get a version of the Omnia. I think Verizon has exclusivity for 6 months. So there is a good chance that Sprint will get it. The only company that authenticates devices like Sprint is Alltel. And the Alltel acquisition should be finalized and completed sometime around June.

So I would just evaluate the carriers. Verizon has an option if you have your own equipment, your contract is optional. THat might be worth looking into.
ok i understand the whole boost and sprint thing now.

but i still dont get why i cant get the phone and put it on sprint network if you can put a sprint phone on verizon network like they did in this thread. . .


you would think something similar would be able to be done with the omnia on sprint. I understand that i can get the omnia from sprint MAYBE in 6 months but Im impatient lol and really dont wanna wait. Besides about that time in 6 months there rumors of a android phone to be for sprint.

So im sure since the link i posted there has to be a way. SO I HOPE anyways.

thanks for your post though if you can try to explain why verizon cant accept a sprint phone I would appreciate it.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: .:Verizon Samsung Omnia Possible On Sprint Network!!???:.

The scenario that you posted is way different. Both of those devices are CDMA and both of those devices exist with both providers. There simply aren't any resources on the Sprint side to accommodate your request.

HTC devices are very customizable. You literally can reprogram them for every single carrier that uses that technology. Samsung is not that way. Their devices are no way near as customizable as Samsung's.

Right now the Omnia doesn't exist for Sprint. They may get it, they may not. Who knows?? They may way have Samsung make them a different device. For example, Samsung Glyde came out for Verizon, Samsung Instinct came out for Sprint. Same device infrastructure, but very different devices.

Right now there is no software(ROM or Radio), no specifications, schematics, as to what would be needed to make it work. You would have to unlock the MSL, which isn't terribly hard. You just have to set it to 000000. The hard part is getting Sprint to recognize the ESN Block. That may never happen depending if they get the device or not.

You will have to wait until Sprint gets the Omnia to determine what is needed to activate it. Right now there is nothing you can do. You can of course sell it or activate on VZW.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: .:Verizon Samsung Omnia Possible On Sprint Network!!???:.

so does anyone know 4sure that it can or cant b done
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