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  #461 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by regyne View Post
after the verizon update, i can no longer drag to select multiple files in file Manager. Is this a fluke or is this how the update works?

If this is how it is w/ the update, any suggestions for how to select multiple files in File Mgr?
You mean in File Explorer? You probably had the Hu Ming File Extensions installed. Just go over to XDA via the link and install them.

Edit: This new format is trying to hide links. Hover on Hu Ming File Extensions and click. Maybe we need to underline the links to make them more noticeable.

I wasn't born in Texas but I got
back here as soon as I could.

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Another Proud Member of FA. Time since last relapse: < One Day (at a Time).

If somebody helped you please click the button in the bottom right corner of their post.

Last edited by xPosTech; 08-02-2009 at 09:59 PM.
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  #462 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2009, 10:47 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

I got a gripe.....
How do I get the suggestive text to STOP CHANGIN WORDS??? I've shut ALL of it off in the keyboard options and settings>input but it STILL puts whatever damn word it wants in there
Ideally it'd suggest somethin but NOT put it in til I click the suggestion...leave my typing alone.

I've tried FingerKeyboard2, but I need something BIGGER cuz of my damn enormous thumbs.

Also...anybody know where to get the accuweather RADAR URL for Titanium Wx ?
  #463 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2009, 11:53 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

xPos: Thanks. yes i meant File explorer
  #464 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 12:04 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

not my intention to repost questions that have been answered but I did not see this when I searched so here goes.

1. I send a lot of picture messages. however, the default album that is opened when I go to insert a picture is the device root. I have to do 3-5 moves to get to the folder I really want. I want to map it to where my pitures are "my storage/my pictures." how do I do this?

2. I recently flashed to the new ROM. It left me with about 50 mb's of device memory. I installed a copy of MD@ which was about 20 off the bat and s2u2 whic have to go on the device memeory. Virtually everything else i installed went to My Storage 8 gig. HOWEVER, I am now down to 5mb's?!?! I know that there are things that might go into the device memory to access to programs but hey are usually under 75 kb's (usuallly).

The question is why is my device memory being eaten up when everything is going to the strorage? How do I stop it?

3. Can I map it so that all my sms, mms and e-mails go straight to My Storage as well? (I manually delete or move archives every day so this is not the cause of my memory problems. Nor have I installed VZnavigator).

any help would be appreciated.

(Note: my Opera cache is already routed to the storage)

Last edited by steve austin; 08-03-2009 at 12:13 AM.
  #465 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

I also noticed that in this version 6.5 vanilla there is no longer a 2.0 for network framework but that 3.5 is their. Maybe wrong but it is O for value. Should it not be a 1 so that it is on? Before we use to :

switch on /and off the netframework:

2.0 1 change to a 0
3.5 0 change to a 1

just don't wanna screw it up


I910 6.5 vanilla
  #466 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by steve austin View Post
not my intention to repost questions that have been answered but I did not see this when I searched so here goes.

1. I send a lot of picture messages. however, the default album that is opened when I go to insert a picture is the device root. I have to do 3-5 moves to get to the folder I really want. I want to map it to where my pitures are "my storage/my pictures." how do I do this?

2. I recently flashed to the new ROM. It left me with about 50 mb's of device memory. I installed a copy of MD@ which was about 20 off the bat and s2u2 whic have to go on the device memeory. Virtually everything else i installed went to My Storage 8 gig. HOWEVER, I am now down to 5mb's?!?! I know that there are things that might go into the device memory to access to programs but hey are usually under 75 kb's (usuallly).

The question is why is my device memory being eaten up when everything is going to the strorage? How do I stop it?

3. Can I map it so that all my sms, mms and e-mails go straight to My Storage as well? (I manually delete or move archives every day so this is not the cause of my memory problems. Nor have I installed VZnavigator).

any help would be appreciated.

(Note: my Opera cache is already routed to the storage)
I'm guessing by the new ROM you mean CF03. If you're using a cooked ROM Advanced Config may already be on your phone. I searched for the cab on all open forums and didn't get a hit. I know it's been posted many times. Download it, move it to your phone and install (I usually put it on My Storage). Wait 20 seconds and soft reset.

Open the app and change applicable "Locations" to your preference. There are many options you can customize with this app.

Edit: Almost forgot to include Clean Ram. I use the "Quality Purge" option.

A hint on how to get attached files. On Omnia Upgrades forums go down to the thread "CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 3.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*". To the right of the thread title is a Paperclip Icon. Click on it and you will get a list of all attachments posted to the thread. Go down to "htcAddicts cleanRAM v1.6.cab". Download and install it.

Good luck.

Attached Files
File Type: cab Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.3.cab (282.1 KB, 8 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by xPosTech; 08-03-2009 at 11:14 AM.
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  #467 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by xPosTech View Post
I'm guessing by the new ROM you mean CF03. If you're using a cooked ROM Advanced Config may already be on your phone. I searched for the cab on all open forums and didn't get a hit. I know it's been posted many times. Download it, move it to your phone and install (I usually put it on My Storage). Wait 20 seconds and soft reset.

Open the app and change applicable "Locations" to your preference. There are many options you can customize with this app.

Edit: Almost forgot to include Clean Ram. I use the "Quality Purge" option.

A hint on how to get attached files. On Omnia Upgrades forums go down to the thread "CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 3.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*". To the right of the thread title is a Paperclip Icon. Click on it and you will get a list of all attachments posted to the thread. Go down to "htcAddicts cleanRAM v1.6.cab". Download and install it.

Good luck.

Thanks for the .cab. Now I am not skilled at this aspect of the phone so forgive me for my ignorance. If I use this Advance tool what will it actually do? There are certain apps like MD2, s2u2 and others that are designed to go on the device. Are you saying I can go in and find these in Windows or the Program folder and move them to storage without there being a disruption in the usage?

I know this is probably asking a lot, but could you give me a strict example of what you mean? I just want to be clear.

Also do you know why the device memory goes down when I clearly see in the "Remove Apps" window that they are installed on my storage card?


Last edited by steve austin; 08-03-2009 at 12:23 PM.
  #468 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Some things have to go in the device memory, even though you install to My Storage, there are things that have to go in the device memory. When you choose to install to My Storage, the bulk goes there.
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing...)

Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
  #469 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Originally Posted by steve austin View Post
Thanks for the .cab. Now I am not skilled at this aspect of the phone so forgive me for my ignorance. If I use this Advance tool what will it actually do? There are certain apps like MD2, s2u2 and others that are designed to go on the device. Are you saying I can go in and find these in Windows or the Program folder and move them to storage without there being a disruption in the usage?

I know this is probably asking a lot, but could you give me a strict example of what you mean? I just want to be clear.

Also do you know why the device memory goes down when I clearly see in the "Remove Apps" window that they are installed on my storage card?

Sorry, I should have been more specific about locations. No, you can't move apps around once installed. Well, you can but it's so complicated that I wouldn't want to attempt it. Advanced Config manipulates the registry settings for default storage locations, among other things.

Once installed, go to Start/Advanced Config (or Start/Programs/Advanced Config - I can't remember CF03) and open the app. You will see a list of settings grouped by function. User Interface, Today, Performances, Power Management, etc. Scroll down to Locations and click on the + box. A list of folders (Program files, My Documents, Desktop, etc) and Default Storage Locations (Image files, Audio files, video files, etc) will appear. You can set the absolute location for these folders and files.

For instance the default location for IE cache is "\My Storage\Internet\Temporary Internet Files". You can change it to "\Storage Card\Internet\Temporary Internet Files". I have my default images file set to "\Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures".

Advanced Config doesn't appear to set the default messaging storage location. I'll have to look around for that. It will turn threading on or off, and other things mostly to do with SMS.

In the User Interface portion of Advanced Config you can set your scroll bar width, icon sizes, etc.

Install it, look around and then post specific questions. In Menu there is a Restore Settings command, just in case. In Other Settings (in Menu) you can map keys, manipulate file associations, etc.

All in all, I wouldn't leave home without it.

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  #470 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 05:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Thank you kindly sir! This looks like It will be very useful. I am still looking to map my mms messages to my storage picture album, but this is sweet. I will look around and see what i get into.
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