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Old 07-09-2010, 11:10 AM
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I need stock ROM

I am in need of the stock i910 ROM. I have purchased a new phone and will be selling my Omnia. Since custom ROMS don't seem to be a good selling point, I was going to reflash back to stock.

Is the following link the best route to go? I just want to get it back to stock without bricking it.

Don't have a phone backup program? GET ONE! Even if you don't mess with registry edits or custom ROMs, even a simple installation can really mess up your phone. Trust me!
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Old 07-09-2010, 03:52 PM
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Re: I need stock ROM

Yeap, that would be the latest stock rom available for that phone. Follow the instructions and you should be good to go.
Please read this before posting.

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