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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 04:19 PM
JoshWithrow's Avatar
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FMTalk, i910, and FAST Battery Drain, Hoping somebody can help

I'm hoping somebody has had a similar experience and can help me.

I recently bought a FMTalk FM Transmitter that plugs directly into the Omnia's multi port, and comes with a car lighter adapter that plugs into the FMTalk module via miniUSB (to only power the unit, not charge the phone).

The problem exists whether the FMTalk unit is plugged into the car lighter adapter or not... just being plugged into the phone is enough to reproduce this behavior. Upon plugging the unit into the Omnia, the batter will drain 5% every 4 seconds or so, until it's reporting dead. During this happening, the phone (not the battery, but the lower portion of the phone where the internal electronics are) will get very hot.

Omnia i910
FMTalk NT-039 ht tp://ww w.cellpho neshop.ne t/i900fm.ht ml

I'm hoping that somebody can help me resolve this issue.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:59 PM
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Re: FMTalk, i910, and FAST Battery Drain, Hoping somebody can help

Originally Posted by JoshWithrow View Post
I'm hoping somebody has had a similar experience and can help me.

I recently bought a FMTalk FM Transmitter that plugs directly into the Omnia's multi port, and comes with a car lighter adapter that plugs into the FMTalk module via miniUSB (to only power the unit, not charge the phone).

The problem exists whether the FMTalk unit is plugged into the car lighter adapter or not... just being plugged into the phone is enough to reproduce this behavior. Upon plugging the unit into the Omnia, the batter will drain 5% every 4 seconds or so, until it's reporting dead. During this happening, the phone (not the battery, but the lower portion of the phone where the internal electronics are) will get very hot.

Omnia i910
FMTalk NT-039 ht tp://ww w.cellpho neshop.ne t/i900fm.ht ml

I'm hoping that somebody can help me resolve this issue.


I don't know about the overheating, but I know that when I plug in the stock adapter for the charge + radio, I get only 1 station.
And that's not very clear.
I hope you can find some help for that adapter.
What kind of support do you get from the seller?
Cooking THE NEW PPCK, 21909
Thanks joojoobee666..

Rest in Peace Baby Brother..[8-7-10]...
And They Better Watch Out For RICOCHETS!!!
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